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  1. Hi, My current tenancy ends on 17th of July and I've just today received this: ********** Assured Shorthold Tenancy: Notice Requiring Possession: Periodic Tenancy To: *my housemate and I* Of: *our address* From: *our landlord* Of: *his address* I/we give notice that I/we require possession of the dwelling house know as *our address*. After the end of the period of your tenancy which will end on the 17th July 2012 Dated the twenty eightth day of May, two thousand and twelve Signed, either by, or on behalf of, the Landlord Date: 28/5/12 Signature of Landlord (no printing of name afterwards) ********** This is verbatim, complete with shoddy spelling and grammar. Apart from the period of notice not being 2 months, is there anything else I need to query? Oh and the original 12 month contact gives the end date as 17 July 2011, one day before the contract started - only noticed that today. Thanks for any help.
  2. Hi again, Thanks everybody, and I mean that! She never appeared in the end today, I'm writing to the landlord atm and I'll be phoning her in the morning (no address or email for her). It isn't even as if I object to her coming round (she's a nice enough young lady just not the brightest), it would just be nice to have some say in when that is! So, does a letter to landlord and phonecall to her outlining the situation and the issues with their conduct, concluding with sayin I'm changing the locks and any continuation could result in legal action sound ike a good plan of action? Bang!, could you please say who claims no entry without a court order? I'd quite like to read up further on that. This is kinda a student let. I graduated last year (MChem 1st ) and now work fulltime, my housemate is a final year student. Neither of us have expressed any desire to leave though; given that I can solely afford the rent and my job's in the area, I'd quite like to stay.
  3. I'm in York probably should have mentioned that to start with....not using the mobile site
  4. Tenancy agreement says we cannot change locks without permission and must provide keys to the landlord. If this is unfair and unenforceable under oft356, I will be going ahead.
  5. First post.....please don't bite After doing some research around this site and reading the relevant Acts of Law, I'm fairly certain that my landlord's sister is not complying with both the law and our tenancy agreement. A bit of background... My housemate and I have a seemingly fairly standard assured shorthold tenancy agreement and have been living here since July '11. In February this year, I was away for several weeks, however my housemate stayed. While I was away, my landlord's sister let herself in on a weekend morning while my housemate (actually ill at the time) was still in bed. This visit was entirely unannounced. She then took many pictures of the inside of the house and send them to our landlord. To be fair, my room was a tip, however the landlord's solicitor sent us a letter informing us that due to the untidyness in my room we were in breach of the tenancy agreement. No action was to be taken, and my room is normally tidy! Last week, the sister told (NOT asked) my housemate in a text that she'd be showing prospective tenants around here on the weekend of 28th/29th between 10am and 6pm. The tenancy agreement mentions that this will only happen in the last 2 months of the tenancy - after May 16th. Saturday morning, my housemate and I text her to ask what time she would be coming and were told 13:30. At 14:30, we text to ask if the prospective tenants had cancelled. It's her reply that really got me researching.She didn't give us any times; she informed us that the house was being advertised and she would be showing people around, if we weren't in then she'd let herself in. She's presumably coming round today, I'd prefer to be in as I'd like to talk to her about this as I'm pretty ****ed off, I've had to cancel plans for the weekend as she persists in not giving times. Where do I stand and what should I be doing?
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