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  1. Hi. I am my mums main carer. Mum requires 24 hour care. I live seperately from my mum at the moment.
  2. Sorry I forgot to add she also does not pay council tax as she gets the full discount including single person discount
  3. Thank you in advance for reading. My mum wants to transfer her current house into my brothers name, the value is around 100k. In return my brother wants to buy a house to be in both my brother and mums name both to be on the mortgage. Value around 450k. My brother will only be at the property on weekends as he works down south. He will be making the mortgage payments. To complicate the situation my brother has asked me whether I would consider moving into the annexe of the property in order to continue looking after mum. The annexe is within the main house and the gas, electric, council tax is not seperate. My mum is on SDA, high rate DLA and ESA income related. She also gets a considerable amount of direct payments for her care. I have no problem in moving but just wary of how her benefits may be affected if I was to move into the house although the intention is to maintain 2 seperate households. Your thoughts much appreciated.
  4. Bump. Can Anyone offer any advice please. Thanks.
  5. If it wasn't for the DWP taking the ilf monies into account then she is well below the £6000 limit.
  6. Hi all. My mums income support has been reduced by a slight amount as DWP say she has capital over £6000. Fair enough but they are saying that any monies she has in the ILF account and which is not been used after a month is considered as capital. My concern is, and I will be appealing, is that ILF monies is given for a purpose ie to pay carers, pay tax, national insurance etc. so how can this be treated as capital as she can't really withdraw money out of this account to spend on herself. Any advice please of how to explain this to DWP or am I not understanding something. Thank you.
  7. http://aworkingclassman.com/govt-announces-closure-independent-living-fund-3/ As an employee of someone who gets funding from the Independent Living fund, it has been shocking to hear that the Fund will close in June 2015. The link above is to a petition organised by DPAC asking the government not to close the fund and also asking the Labour Party to put forward it's proposals to carry on the Fund or to arrange a new Fund. Please sign the petition. I personally know how hard it will be for my employer without this support. Thank you.
  8. Hi there thanks for your reply. Just for clarification, for your second option do you mean I stay on a residential mortgage or sorry do you mean I should change to buy to let and then declare the income.
  9. Hi Dun, no I tried to make an appointment with Halifax to speak to one of their mortgage advisors but I can't get an appointment until after Christmas. My mortgage broker, I can't get hold of him. I will not proceed with a residential mortgage knowing I am to let it out. I need to decide whether I can cope with the hassle of doing the application myself or my broker. Then need to decide if I should stick with Halifax or approach another lender. Upon checking other lenders have got some decent buy to let rates. Your advice much appreciated.
  10. Hi all, il try and keep this simple. Please do not be judgemental I need advice to resolve the issues that I am having. I approached a mortgage broker in an estate agents wanting a mortgage for a property i want to let out, broker persuaded me to apply for a residential one saying a buy to let will be a hassle Survey done, mortgage offer in, I'm putting down £50,000 for a house valued at £117,000. I then saw a second house and approached the same broker who now has managed to secure a buy to let mortgage for me and apparently it hasn't been that much of a hassle. Again I am putting down £50,000 for this 2nd house and its value is £116,500. The problem is with the first property, I am usually quite adamant but I don't know what came over me. I do not under any circumstances want to proceed with a residential mortgage knowing that my intention is to let it out. I have had some heated conversations with the broker, I asked him to approach the lender concerned and see if they could switch to a buy to let. I rang the lender direct and they informed that any changes need to come through the broker, the lender does in fact do buy to let mortgages. The broker keeps pressurising me and saying that the lender will not find out etc etc and that he will approach them in 6 months time and ask for consent to let. I don't want to ask them later on, I want to ask them now as they may refuse consent to let. The broker keeps saying that I will need to go through the whole application again and pay survey fees etc, which I don't mind paying. However having so many searches on my credit file may have affected my credit rating. My rating is 3 out of 5 on noodle. I am thinking of making an appointment with the lender concerned and going to speak to them direct about this. Ay advice appreciated as to how I can resolve this mess.
  11. I've told my aunts friend that, if and when she does spend the money to keep her receipts. I can foresee her getting a letter in a years time to see how much she has
  12. Thanks for all the replies. Would the penalty be a percentage of any overpayment. How is a penalty worked out? Thanks
  13. Hi all, I was approached by my aunts friend in August after her pension payments were stopped in April. It transpired that she had been sent a review form in April and hadn't completed it and sent it back. She though did get a new form and sent it to them in about May time. Her concern was that they were not processing her form and were taking too long. I telephoned the pension service to be told that they were still processing her form, I pointed out that a form that had been received in May they were taking too long as it was August now and asked how they expected someone to live without any money. I was told that it could take a further 2 months to process the form. I then wrote a letter of complaint to the pension service and sent a copy to mr Ian Duncan Smith. 3 days later she received an interim payment and an apology letter. I phoned the pension service to enquire as she was only receiving £75 a week and I am not a benefit expert but knew people of similar age and circumstances who were receiving £145.40. I asked the pension service to look into this. I then a couple of days later received a phone call to be told that in fact she should be receiving £145.40 and it transpired when she was transferred from income support to her pension credit she started receiving £75 and it continued at this rate and no one ever picked up that she should have been receiving £145.40 for the last 4 and half years. My aunts friend has now received a back payment of £19500 and as her file was transferred to the special payments department as they deal with compensation she has received £350 as missed interest. Is there anything else I could ask for as compensation, I mean she has been receiving less benefit than she was entitled to and has struggled often borrowing money to make ends meet. Or should she just accept what she's been given i don't want to sound cheeky when I do ask for more. Any thoughts please.
  14. In total you are allowed to add 3 drivers to the policy. You add 2 at the time of ordering the car and then once you have the car you can add another driver by ringing up the insurance but for this driver you will have to pay the price the insurance quote.
  15. Hi, I'm currently also looking for a car on mobility for me to drive for my mother and a 18 year old driver who has just passed his test. When you go on to the main motability site, click on " car search", at the bottom tick the box for "only display cars suitable for under 25". This will eliminate cars which you cannot drive. I am still looking for a vehicle, the best thing to do is make a list of a few and then ring the garages direct and ask for the person who deals with the motability cars, just confirm it with them that you will be able to drive it.
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