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  1. Hi, i am just writing a letter to lowlife advising them not to bother me while this account with shop direct is in dispute, does anyone know if i can send it recoreded delivery, their postal address is a po box no, thank you
  2. I have just written a letter advising lowlife that this account is in dispute with oc, can i send this recorded delivery, their address is a po box no, will anyone be there to sign for it? thank yo
  3. Hi all, I am back again for an update and further advice please, not sure if this will flag up for anyone to see or whether i need to post a new thread, I have written to OC explaining unlawful charges and asked for them to be removed from the account, sent recorded but no reply. 5 weeks ago. Also wrote to Lowell telling them that this account is in dispute with OC, they are still harrassing me via letter, one every week, threatning court action etc, I didnt expect to hear back from OC but want to know how to tell Lowell that I am not prepared to pay anything, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Thank you dx for the example, I think I can manage that x And thank you Claire for your advice too, I have come across some templates x Im on it:!: This is a great site, I will post an update pretty soon.
  5. Thank you, I would be grateful if you could point me in the direction of that reclaiming tutorial. Surely the OC will not be interested if they have sold my debt? I dont think they will owe me money as I have only just paid for goods received, and no payments have been made for 6 months ish. Do I ignore Lowell or write to explain? would there be an appropriate template on here, somewhere? And why do I have to make a spreadsheet, they look confusing?
  6. I dont understand? whats a fosrunning soc, is it a spreadsheet? I dont know how to work spreadsheets. and also what is OC. So are you saying i need to work out all the fees on a spreadsheet and send them to who? What should I be saying to Lowell DCA? Sorry Im a blonde:-)
  7. Thank you, an idiots guide to reclaiming please, I dont know the first thing about consumer rights
  8. Hi and thank you for your time in replying, yes figures are correct, I had a letter from shop direct (very) saying 'your debt was legally assigned to Lowell Portfoli and any further payment/ correspondence must be addressed to them'. Then a letter from Lowell, itroducing themselves and saying 'your account was sold to us relating to goods purchased from very' and of course asking for payment of £850. I have added all fees up from previous statements and am horrified to find they accumilate to about £750. What would you recommend my next step be?
  9. Hi to you all I am new on this site and have been very interested in reading all the advice and information that has been posted on here. I am currently going through a crisis with Lowell DCA. They have bought my debt from Very catalogue. I have been in finacial difficulties and been unable to make any payments to very and no payment plan was ever put in force. My debt has been increasing since Nov 2010, my fault entirely and I have now learnt that burrying my head in the sand has not helped matters. So now I need to act. I started the catalogue in Nov 10 and made purchases to the value of £320, over a period of months I made payments to the value of £360, these were all intermitent payments hence interest, missed payment fees, debt letters and telephone calls incurred fees to the value of £750. I have paid nothing since oct last year. Now the debt has been sold to Lowell DCA to the value of £850. I have most of my statements from Very so have been able to add up all the figures. I am on a low income and am unable to pay these fees. Please can someone advise me on how I stand with regard to reclaiming these fees, even though I havent paid any! A link to a template letter would be a help too. I dont ever remember signing a Credit Agreement either if that makes a difference?? Thank you all you clever peeeps x
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