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  1. Hi I am about to start my court claim against Cap 1, what I am looking for is help with charging the right amount of interest on my claim. I want to charge compound interest on my claim, but after looking at all the posts on this subject I am more confused than ever how to do this. As well as a donation to the CAG when my claim is complete, if anybody who has experience with this would be kind enough to work out the compound interest for my claim, I would be most grateful and prepared to pay someone a small fee for there time, if this is ok with the CAG forum. Anyone who has any thoughts please feel free to post, and anyone who can assist me with the compound interest, please PM and I can let you have the details. Kind Regards Richard
  2. Hi I have just recieved a response from Cap 1 ref my LBA and I would like some advice on how to reply to their letter, pithy comments please. I would especially like a suggestions on how to answer Ellie Renshaw's suggestion that "the fees are fair and legal" I would be grateful for everyone's help! Regards Richard Here is Cap 1's reply: Thank you for writing back to me about my offer to refund £.... of the fees we've added. I'm am sorry to hear that you feel my offer is unacceptable. As I've already explained, we're confident our fees are both fair and legal and I'm dissapointed to hear you're considering court action. The OFT haven't told us we are obliged to refund fees, and we've offered refunds as a gesture of good will. I am afraid I won't be refunding all of the fees as you've asked. I won't be increasing this, as it is my final offer. Financial regulations require me to advise you that this is my final response in relation to this matter.
  3. Ok Doo, I will remember that also, only 7 days left on my LBA, then it is Money Claim time. Regards Rich
  4. Thanks Doo, Tracyab1972, I decided to just add the extra bit about default removal when I sent the LBA which I have just sent. Thanks guys!
  5. Hi All, Just a quick question, I forgot to mention in my preliminary letter to Capital 1 about wanting them to remove any default notices they may have placed against me. Can I add this into to my LBA? I completely forgot!! Many Thanks Rich
  6. Hi all, Just updating how I am getting on with my claim, Capital one have filed to acknowledge my claim on the 25 September and to state they intend to defend the claim. Although I know this is the way they play it, I am still wondering whether I might be the very first person that they intend to defend against. What do you think? Regards Richard
  7. Hi all, With my court claim filed and only 8 days left until I find out if they intend to defend the claim, I am interested to know if there has been a single court case were Cap 1 have actually taken it to a full hearing and defended the amount they charge. Interested in anyone's comments. Regards Richard
  8. Hi Nadia, Good luck, keep at it and you will be successful. All the best Richard
  9. Hi Everyone, I have not posted for a while as I have been on holiday, anyway I just wanted to update everyone I how my claim is doing. Preliminary letter 29 June 2006 Letter Before Action 15 July 2006 Court Claimed Filed 12 September 2006 There was a slight delay in filing my court claim, as I was going away on holiday and I did not want to file it before I went away, as I would not be available to deal with if needed, so I waited until I came back. I have had one response to my preliminary letter stating the usuall we need 4 weeks la la la. And the second was to say they could not reply as there was an issue with my date of birth, incidently the same date of birth I had been using since my interception of my Crap One card in 2002, and the same date of birth I had been using since, wait for it!! I was born, oh and that was from Robert Uddy. he must be thinking up new lines of attack. There was just another thing I want to mention as well, in the last few days I had a very heated but controlled conversation with Crap One about a new tactic they have started. When I came back from my hols I had loads of mail waiting for me, except any statements from Crap One which I thought was strange. So I contacted them to find out what the problem was and guess what they tell me my statements had been returned, so they put a block on my address, never bothered to send me a letter to inform me of this, and because I had not had any statements, as I assumed they would come in due course, Crap One kindly informed me I had incurred more charges. I ask them to prove that these statements had been returned, but they said they could not. This was a completely different response from the previous agent you told me that they would send proof, and if it was the fault of Crap One they would refund the charges. But when I followed up the issue they said they could not provide proof and that it was the fault of the post office, and they were not to blame, and in this case the would not refund the charges. Again I need to point out that I had letters from Crap One when I got home from my hols and the week following that, and all of a sudden they tell me my address is unsafe. What is the word I am looking for that's it B***Sh** the Crap One customer service agent also informs me that I should not wait for or rely on a statement before I pay my bill, and everyone who does this is quite simply going about it the wrong way. We got into a heated debate about unlawful charges etc, he informs me that it does in fact cost them £20 to deal with people's non payment & late payments etc, and also that the only reason they charge people this money is to deter them from doing again, and not to make money out of them. Or as I put it to him "use us as a cash machines" Anyway I think you get the drift of how my claim is going, court claim has been filed and I am now just waiting to find out to see if they intend to defend. Any comments please post them, I look forward to hearing from you. All the best Richard74
  10. Hi Everyone, I have not posted for a while as I have been on holiday, anyway I just wanted to update everyone on how my claim is doing. Preliminary letter 29 June 2006 Letter Before Action 15 July 2006 Court Claimed Filed 12 September 2006 There was a slight delay in filing my court claim, as I was going away on holiday and I did not want to file it before I went away, as I would not be available to deal with if needed, so I waited until I came back. I have had one response to my preliminary letter stating the usuall we need 4 weeks la la la. And the second was to say they could not reply as there was an issue with my date of birth, incidently the same date of birth I had been using since my interception of my Crap One card in 2002, and the same date of birth I had been using since, wait for it!! I was born, oh and that was from Robert Uddy. he must be thinking up new lines of attack. There was just another thing I want to mention as well, in the last few days I had a very heated but controlled conversation with Crap One about a new tactic they have started. When I came back from my hols I had loads of mail waiting for me, except any statements from Crap One which I thought was strange. So I contacted them to find out what the problem was and guess what they tell me my statements had been returned, so they put a block on my address, never bothered to send me a letter to inform me of this, and because I had not had any statements, as I assumed they would come in due course, Crap One kindly informed me I had incurred more charges. I ask them to prove that these statements had been returned, but they said they could not. This was a completely different response from the previous agent who told me that they would send proof, and if it was the fault of Crap One they would refund the charges. But when I followed up the issue they said they could not provide proof and that it was the fault of the post office, and they were not to blame, and in this case the would not refund the charges. Again I need to point out that I had letters from Crap One when I got home from my hols and the week following that, and all of a sudden they tell me my address is unsafe. What is the word I am looking for that's it B***Sh** the Crap One customer service agent also informs me that I should not wait for or rely on a statement before I pay my bill, and everyone who does this is quite simply going about it the wrong way. We got into a heated debate about unlawful charges etc, he informs me that it does in fact cost them £20 to deal with people's non payment & late payments etc, and also that the only reason they charge people this money is to deter them from doing again, and not to make money out of them. Or as I put it to him "use us as a cash machines" Anyway I think you get the drift of how my claim is going, court claim has been filed and I am now just waiting to find out to see if they intend to defend. Any comments please post them, I look forward to hearing from you. All the best Richard74
  11. Thanks for that, I will put the finishing touches to my claim this weekend and it will be already to file first thing Monday morning. I will let you know how I get on, and again thanks for both of your input. Kind Regards Richard
  12. Hi Thanks Michael & English Rose, I appreciate your post, Just one thing though when you mentioned about calculating the daily interest, is this based on the whole claim, ie intial charges, 8% interest, & court fee combined, or just the charges. 0.00022 X the amount of your claim Thanks again its nice to know someone is out there:lol: Kind Regards Richard
  13. Hi English Rose, Yep I was kinda of hoping help would come along soon to, but it was not to be. Regards Richard
  14. Hi All, I am about to file a claim in the county court against Cap 1. They replied to my Prelim letter, but ignored my LBA and the 14 days are now up. I need help with filling out the N1 form. In the amount claimed section of the N1 form do I fill in the amount claimed plus interest and total it all up. Also what is the right way to show what interest I am claiming for. Any help offered on submitting a claim would be appreciated as I am a bit confused. Many thanks Richard
  15. Hi Michael, I will be putting my claim together today or tomorrow, anyway I have to comment on your replies to Cap1, I really enjoyed reading them, very witty. I especially liked the reply that made reference to the theives, oh I didn't half laugh. I would of love to have seen their faces when they were reading them. Ten out of ten. Do keep this post updated on how you get on with your claim. We all know they will pay up. Kind Regards Richard
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