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Everything posted by Golbez

  1. Oh and also. I stated that I suffer from mental illness, which I do. Chronic anxiety and panic disorders and that their continual harrassment is making me more ill. Which it has been. I don't need stress to suffer from panic attacks, but stress certainly adds to it! They asked for a doctors letter. But still continually harrass me. I don't even want money from them. Unless it's about 10k so i can clear all my debts. I just want them to disappear from the world! They are disgusting. I have alot of breaches in the law, in writing. So should be interesting!
  2. My first post These thugs are hilarious yet annoying at the same time. If there was a court proceeding I could go through to have them shut down, I'd do it in an instant. Firstly I borrowed £200, I then lost my job with little pay coming from it. I decided I needed help, so went into a Debt Relief Order which was accepted on 30th March. Since then I have e-mailed and now written a letter stating as such, giving them my DRO number as well. They are demanding a copy of the paperwork, which I refuse as it's not their right to see anything like that. My details are accessible to everyone in the world on the Insolvency website! I have had 15 e-mails since 30/3/12, of various strength in rudeness and threat. Also constant phonecalls and text messages. The best were these two from yesterday. 22nd April 2012, 17:21 Chris, you commited to a payment plan to sttle your Toothfairy Laon. A payment of 240 is due tomorrow. Failure to honour this will lead to extra fees. 22nd April 2012, 17:37 Chris, you commited to a payment plan to sttle your Toothfairy Laon. A payment of 288 is due tomorrow. Failure to honour this will lead to extra fees. So 16 minutes apart, two texts with different amounts. Rogues or what? Also I've read that as it was a Speed Credit loan, it's actually not Toothfairys business???? Regardless it's hilarious seeing as it's against the law for them to ask me for money since my debt relief order. I've decided to let a month go on, with every text message, phonecall and e-mail logged, then take it to the authorities as harrassment and breaching a DRO. Also they have continually threatened to send baliffs and door collection agents. Even stating "If we do not hear from you we will visit at will. Failed visits may be charged for." Oh really??? Thanks for that in writing from you, as thats illegal also! Oh yeah. Also the £200 is now £883 and rising XD I wish these people could be lined up and shot. They are not only breaking laws, they are moronic, all over the place, no idea how to run a company (if they can even be called that). Any other stories would be great. Or even anyone wanting to take them to court for a winding up order or something! I don't even know if thats possible but I can only dream!
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