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Everything posted by snugs1235

  1. Hi thanks all for the info. ericsbrother, do you know of anywhere that I can find the sizing guidelines?
  2. Hi Stu007, thank you for that information. I will help my friend draft a letter to the council. She is a lovely person but not so great at dealing with things like this.
  3. Hi, I have a friend who is living in a two bedroomed council flat. It is quite a small flat and the second room is only just big enough for bunk beds to fit in it. She has 2 teenage daughters. The council has just told her that they have brought in new rules which means that she is losing her addition transfer points because they no longer class a single room as overcrowding when 2 kids share it. Does anyone know if the council can do this and/or if there are national regulations for the acceptable size of a room etc? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi All, just to update you all. I have just gotten an email from POPLA, they have agreed that the ticket should be cancelled. Yayyyy. Thank you all for your help and advice. Especially NevMet, who helped by writing the POPLA appeal letter for me. This site and the people giving advice on it are great
  5. Sorry I have been busy this week and only just had a chance to get on here after seeing an email that said there are new comments on this post. I have not had a decision from POPLA yet, of course as soon as I do I will update this thread to let anyone who is reading it know how I got on. Fingers crossed, ay
  6. Hi all, thanks again for all the advice. What Nev Met says about reporting it to DVLA makes a lot of sense. Perhaps if we complain more about companies like Civil Enforcement they may eventually be banned. They are practically stealing peoples money. I will keep everyone posted on the outcome of this thanks
  7. Hi all, thanks for all of the advice. I have not had chance to get on here for a couple of days, please don't think I have been ignoring you. [ATTACH=CONFIG]44980[/ATTACH] This is the ticket we received. I hope it has come out clear enough.
  8. Hi, the date I parked in the car park was 29th May and the ticket was sent on 14th June. I have written to CEL on behalf of my dad saying I was not the driver and admit no liability. I wrote to the sports centre using the advice ren gave me about ignoring the ticket.
  9. Thank you Homer. I was thinking about telling them it was me driving but I didn't want to give them ammunition! I am quite lucky as my dad is cool with it. I explained it all to him and he is happy to follow the advice that I have gotten on here. Thanks.
  10. Just a quick update to let all those who have helped me know, I have finally sorted this with the council and they now agree that this should not be classed as a bedroom. I am very happy to be able to stay in my home and not have to pay extra rent thanks to those who gave me advice.
  11. Hi Ren, thank you for your reply. I will write to the sports centre. They must take some kind of responsibility as the machines you have to enter your car reg in is inside their building. I do wonder if anyone has ever paid the fine and then taken Civil Enforcement to court for a refund? They do not offer any kind of dispute in their demand for payment.
  12. Hi all, thank you for reading this. I parked at my local sports centre where you have to enter your car reg into a computer to get 3 hours free parking. I am pretty sure I did this but not absolutely certain. Today I got a fine from Civil Enforcement Ltd for £150 (£75 if I pay within 14 days). Trouble is I was using my dads car, so he got the fine. I have read the sticky thread about these types of fines, but I wanted to check that they are still unenforceable as it was posted over a year ago. I am more worried because this fine was sent to my dad and I don't want him to end up with a £150 fine or a trip to the court etc! Any advice appreciated
  13. Hi, I have a tmobile account. I went online to a third party mobile site because I needed a new laptop and my partner needs a new phone so I tried to put an order in for a new mobile contract that had a laptop as a sign up gift. When I clicked to complete the order the page said error and actually said "your order can not be processed at this time". I did not get any emails or anything, so I assumed the order had not gone through. I went else where and was all sorted but 5 days after trying to place the order a mobile was delivered by the company above. I have returned the mobile this morning, it arrived Friday. My problem is when I tried to call the company, they said that if I return the phone they will 'try' to cancel my contract. Having logged on to my original tmobile account I have now got a second line and my bill is due to be produced on the 18th. I phoned tmobile who said they can't do anything because the line was purchased through a third party! Im getting really stressed that im going to have to pay a mobile contract that I don't want. Any advice on my rights and what to do? Thanks in advance, I love you guys
  14. Hi, thank you all so much for the information. I will write another letter to the council today. I rent from the council, so they should have all of the information. I will send the letter to the head person and number specific questions I think, that way hopefully I will get some kind of personalised reply.
  15. Thank you SWL that is very interesting and is just the information that I am looking for. Thank you consumer dude. It is very frustrating when I write them a letter with specific detailed questions that they dont answer at all in their standard print out! I will try one more letter using the information that SWL has given and then I will go to my MP. Thanks guys.
  16. Hi, I am wondering if anyone has any advice regarding the changes to housing benefit regarding sparerooms in April. I live with my husband in what would be a 2 bedroomed house except for the fact that he is disabled so the second bedroom has a lift that goes into it (a full wheelchair through the ceiling/floor lift). There is no extra room in this room definitley not enough for any bed. I wrote back to my council when they said that they would be cutting my housing benefit by just under £20 a week explaining that this is not a spare bedroom. They wrote back with a standard letter, the same as the one I received originally. I wrote back again and got the same letter for a third time. I cant afford to pay nearly £80 a month extra and will be homeless if I cant sort this out. Does anyone have any advice at all, im desperate? Thanks for reading.
  17. Thanks all. I phoned my bank (Nationwide) and the person on the phone said that they could not take any action at all until I signed a form in the branch. I went into the branch this morning and filled the form out which they then said they would fax to head office. The woman kept saying that they would look into it but she could not promise I would get my money back!
  18. Thanks everso much dx. I will print the top bit of that out and go back into my bank with it. I did not think of complaining to Visa directly, that might be worth a letter. Thanks
  19. Thanks Brigadier, so if I had made a purchase of a physical item I would have gotten somewhere because my cards a visa debit? Its a shame it doesnt help me. I don't mind losing my money if its by my own hands, I just don't like the fact that its basically been stolen. Thanks for your advice.
  20. Hi all, Does anyone know if payments made by debit card are protected by any regulations in any way? Long story short I joined an online gambling site which has turned out to be a con. Its based in costa rica, so I have no way of forcing them to return my money. I made a payment to them by debit card, played on the site and now have a balance above what I deposited but have found out its a fraudulent site that does not answer emails or make withdrawls once they are requested. Im not alone in this there are others too. I have written to my bank who have not replied. I went into my bank and the woman at the help desk was not very helpful and basically said I should not gamble! Are debit card payments suppose to be protected by banks or anything? Iv heard credit cards are, but sadly I used my debit card. Thanks in advance
  21. I think you have to make a claim to Royal Mail within 2 months. I am pretty sure they wont let you claim a year after the parcel went missing.
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