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  1. Hi I am new to this site so firstly hello! I wondered if anyone could help. I am due to emigrate to Australia on a work visa in a month. I have been having a bit of a wobble and not sure that I wanted to make the move. I deciided today that I would stay and signed a tenancy agreement (short 6 month one). This was signed about a hour ago. But....in my typical fashion I have rushed into it, dont like the property, its a dump and I think I do now want to go to Australia!!! My own fault I know. What will happen if I just go to Australia? There was no deposit on the rental and I have paid the first months rent. I understand from reading online that there is no colling off period with this and I would have to continue paying the rent until the agent found a suitable tenant and must be able to proove they have made steps to find a tennant. Problem is, if I a going to Austrlia, I cant afford to pay rent here AND there. I do joint own a property also with my mum and she is living in the owned house. I have not told the agent yet and I dont think they will be very understanding. What can I do? If i go to Austrlia, I presume they will chase me there? If they go down the route of a CCJ without knowing where I am, what would happen then? Will they place a charge ont he mortgaged property? This is in negative equity if that helps. What if they also give me a CCJ and I am not present to sign anything etc. In short - I think I am just looking to find out what the agent can realistically do if he has no forwarding address? I could be found on social media sites quite easily over there and would hate for letters to start coming to my workplace etc ANy help would be appreciated. Thanks
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