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Benjamin Willmore

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  1. I am from London, I'm at the point now that I'm not really bothered about the costs, I know it can take a long time and a lot of money but those are two things I am lucky to have (well not plenty of money as such) It's now a case of making sure that companies like Accident Exchange don't get away with fobbing people off, lying to their customers and generally ripping everyone off. Even if I lose the court case I can still continue on making sure there clients are aware of how bad a company they are, they are plenty of publications to use. Hell even the CEO comments had to be deleted off this site so that says a lot for the company. I'm sure I can write in to anyone named at companies house and linked to the company. Time is a wonderful thing....
  2. I have spoken with three separate companies about defending, currently I am waiting to hear back from my insurer Natwest Private as my home contents may cover as this comes under contract dispute too. I am waiting in Admiral as they instructed and paid AE for my car, they could well be dragged into this, they are currently speaking with their legals then coming back to me. I've not done that before. Can you help and let me know what I need to do. Thanks
  3. Well I'm sure now once you have all read this your be even more shocked. So I tried to deal with accident exchange, as you can see from the CEO comments its clear that they only care about the money side. Why is it going to cost them £42k for a car worth half that. They don't tell you that their excess for damage is £2500 that's four times the cost of two cars on my current insurance policy. The whole theft was investigated by the police in great detail which I am pleased about as that showed that despite what AE think I was not responsible for the loss of their car. I have been told by a friend of friend in their very own company that they have alluded to the thought that I was responsible for the theft!!! Complete cheek of it. The judgement was won in their favour as I was not able to submit my defence to the counterclaim as the case was under investigation. Now they have concluded that I am innocent AE got their counterclaim. I have applied for set aside as I wish to have a fair hearing, I have also contacted mail online who want more information as this is of public interest but they will wait till after the case has been decided, I'm happy with that at least more will hear about wrong doing of accident exchange. Watchdog need more complaints about excess before they would take it further. Their biggest client Admiral have been contacted too about my whole case, they are looking into it. Guys in the last 6 months I was a victim of a car theft, I was then accused of that same theft ( proved innocent ) I lost employment, I now have a CCJ for £2500 all because of a company called ACCIDENT EXCHANGE. If your provided a car by them honestly take it back and get a bus. Companies like this can not continue to trade while charging these sky high fees and generally ripping people off. Including their very own clients.
  4. The car was a BMW X3. So not high performance and certainly not worth £42,000. The problem is the company failed to tell me about their excess or even about what the insurance was about. When questioned before I took the car I was lied to. This is why it needs to go before a court.
  5. I too have had issues, I have put on a new thread in motoring about Accident Exchange.
  6. Unfortunatley I have fallen victim to what appears as a very reputable company on the outside.I was in a car accident some weeks ago, the person who caused the crash admitted liability. As I use my car for work purposes their insurance company Admiral confirmed they would supply me with a replacement car. This is when Accident Exchange got involved as Admiral instructed them.The car arrived very late and the delivery chap was in a panick (rushing) as he needed to get the train and go to collect his next car. I was asked to check the car and fuel. I questioned what was being signed about the insurance, what does it cover, can I drive it from variuos work places. The chap replied - You are covered for everything, dont worry, there is no excess either. I signed the docs as him being late caused me now to rush about for work. I asked about excess he said there isnt any.The worse of this being the car was stolen from my home place a few days later, I didnt even know it had gone till the police arrived to say they found the car on fire. First time ever this has happened to me. Which does make me wonder why I was targeted, my other car is high performance wasnt touched! Weird..... Accident Exchange then stated they would not get me another car unless I insured it, they had no interest in me at all. Basically just kept fobbing me off. I then asked what happens about the insurance, constant chasing, I had personal belongings in that car. They have now stated I am not covered for personal items, saying that i was shown an insurance form, which is a complete lie. And the latest is that they are looking billing £2500 excess for their car being stolen!! The MD emailed to say how much this has cost them and how they are out of pocket, they wouldnt be in business if they had losses, even the CEO said he will come back to me. Nothing at all.Ive now put in a county court claim for my items as its not right they can lie and treat people like this. Its disgusting. Bullying tactics are now being used about this claim against them.If your reading this, do not use this company. I will be writting to all their clients as this is not a reputable company, all they care about is the £££ note. Anyone with futher advice, suggestions or even if you have had troubles with this company will really help.
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