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Everything posted by Ons

  1. I forgot to add, I did phone payroll in first instance who told me to ring base office cause they can only pay on the information they have. So I guess I should speak to the district supervisor now? Explain the situation to him and ask for my money?
  2. Hello. I need some help. Today I got paid as usual at the end of the month. I have been working for a big retail firm for nearly 2 years. I transfered to another city 4 weeks ago. The pay I recieved today was 25% short. I phoned my base office and they told me that for 1 week I was recorded as absent, and this isn't the case, my new manager in the new city phoned base office and told them that I was at work and he will send her the information needed as proof and signed by him. The issue is, my old manager where I used to work never sent the time sheet for that week to base office, so they put my down as absent. But now since my new manager has sent confirmation I was working, they told him that I will have to wait until my next pay in 4 weeks to get my money. Is this fair? I mean, I worked and I deserve to get paid. This isn't my fault nor my mistake and they have been told by a manager that I should be paid for that week, so can they make me wait 4 weeks for it? Should I go to my district manager or as someone I work with said to me, to take it out the till lol. But seriously, I got bills to pay how am I meant to pay them with 25% of wages missing? All help appreciated.
  3. Well wonga has not taken money from my account in over a year and I changed my debit card details, although they got my new one, still CPA should not be allowed if you have no funds in your account. It's silly. I think I will close my account with co-op, if I don't then this same thing is gonna happen again next month.
  4. I am stuck. I phoned them this morning and they have said to me the payment went through automatically so they couldn't stop it. I told her, I had no money in the account, so how have they allowed it to go through, again she fobed me off with that there is nothing they can do and I have to put my account up to date in 7 days, no way I am doing that. The concept of a cash minder account is for me to never go overdrawn and to prevent them from that happening. Should I make a complaint in writing? Contact FSA?
  5. Nope. Nothing, no standing order. Nothing.
  6. I got a barclays basic account. It's good and live statements online. I thought that was if you UDR 3 times? I wouldn't say my account was that bad. By law can I be forced to pay this? I mean, I don't have the money to pay it before end of month anyway but I don't see why they have paid someone when I have no money in my account. What's the point in the account then if this happens? I thought the cash account was to prevent this from happening?
  7. Well wonga was meant to take it on the 1st june. So it was expected. But I had no money in my account, so how can co-op allow me to go OD?
  8. Hello, I need some help. I got a co-op cash minder account, my wages do not go into this account. Only my tax credits. I logged in on monday to transfer my tax credits to my barclays account, and was left with 0.03p in my account which was showing online as 0.03p. I log into my co op today and now I am £86.97 DR. Like wtf.. Wonga has taken £87 from my account. Now a cash account has no OD, and I only had 3p in my account. So how has co op allowed someone to take £87 from my account? I am seriously angry, I don't wanna phone them cause I will swear at them. What should I do and where do I stand? Thanks.
  9. So I am an idiot and took out a loan with CFO lending for £200, I paid that back and then took another £600 and it was due at the end of april and I didn't pay it back nor could I rollover. CFO is telling me I have to fill in a IE form and send a bank statement. I have filled an IE and sent it back but refuse to send a bank statement. There seems to be no resolution as they want a bank statement and won't set up a payment plan without one. But there is no way I will ever provide that. So now my balance was £680 owed, and is now £840. Actually, come to think of it. I could provide them with the bank statement which they sent the money to and not my other bank account which my salary goes into, reckon it would work? Anyone got any advice for me? Thanks.
  10. I know one is opus for minicredit, and another is mil collections for quid24 and I forgot who paydayuk assigned.
  11. Yeah all payday loans, minicredit £1061 which I have already told them no way im hell I paying and to start legal action. Paydayuk £70 and £125 for quid24 who added £50 to the remaining £75 I owed them cause my payment plan finished and I didn't pay to set up another. So I refused to pay extra £50. It could be another debt but I don't think I have anything else.
  12. I am just wondering why 2 big guys are turning up at my place of work, I am big myself so it could kick off bigtime.
  13. I got no idea which dca or who they are, I just wanna be prepared. If I was due in court, surely I would receive papers. I have moved house but all mail gets redirected there. I am confused.
  14. Ok. They must be a dca, I have not received anything from court so it can't be anything they got a judgement on. I kow I have 3 payday with dcas, so gotta be that. If its anything else ill be baffed. I think ill record it, but I got customers at work. How can I discuss my stuff in front of them?
  15. Thanks for replies guys, I dunno who it is to be honest, my manager said it was 2 big blokes who came asking for my name. Has to be a DCA. Can't be anyone else. They not allowed to come to my work then? Ask them to leave as its private property?
  16. Hey guys. I have turned up for work today and I have been told that 2 bailiffs came yesterday twice looking for me. I think this is payday loan related. Are they allowed to do that? Can a DCA add charges on a payday loan? Any opinions on what I should do if they come while im here? Thanks.
  17. So another update, txtloan are refusing to stop interest while on a new repayment plan. What options I got?
  18. Just an update, after some very aggresive emails to txtloan, txtloan have backed down and taken the loan back from the DCA and taken any added charges off. This is why you should always fight when your not in the wrong.
  19. So now I need to go through all that **** with MC again that I did 9 months ago to get the emails? Oh my daze.
  20. Quick thing, should I contact OFT and FOS now or wait for break down in charges?
  21. Okay, I will send MC an email now and get it confirmed again. LoL.
  22. Is there anything from minicredit I actually need? I think I deleted most their emails cause it was just pre written stuff. At the end of the day, once MC give you a breakdown of charges that alone would show what's unenforceable right? Or do I need emails from MC saying they don't do payment plans?
  23. Rene, just a quick question regarding minicredit. Is it worth making official complaints to OFT and FOS or should I just wait till it gets to court? Also, if it gets to court. You don't defend in court do you? It's all submitted before hand right and verdict it said in court?
  24. I have sent this email; Hello, there are still many issues I have because non of this is making sense. 1) Where are the default notices you sent me? I have checked my whole inbox for the previous 1 year and there is nothing stating the amount I have defaulted on. Only that I have defaulted and that you are willing to be come to an arrangement for a payment plan. 2) You sent me an email on 7th january 2013 to tell me I have defaulted, I replied on 14th january to tell you I am still having financial problems and that I wish to resume the payment plan which ended on 30th nov 2012 however it seems you have only given me 6 days to reply to your email amount my current balance and seems like you are unwilling to even be reasonable or give me a reasonable time frame to reply. 3) The email on 7th jan 2013 states that you are willing to come to an arrangement with me. I have emailed you 6 days after for you to tell me everything has been sent to a DCA, how is that fair? 4) My original loan was £351 w/interest. You are now telling me even after paying £120 over 6 months and being told you will FREEZE my interest you are now claiming I owe £692.50???? I refute this balance. You are mis-representing the debt I owe txtloan under the CCA 1974 act. You are meant to give me 14 days even if you default me, which you have not done to get in touch. Regards.
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