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Everything posted by sandran

  1. [ can you Pm me as I would like to talk to you as my claim has been going on for nearly 3 years I need help to try to bring this to an end QUOTE=m2lou;3703415]Many thanks for your reply. One has to be in this kind of situation to try and understand how stressful dealing with Cunningham Lindsay is. We have been fighting our case for nearly 2 years but only instructed a solicitor in October 2011. After spending £4,000 and getting nowhere due to Cunningham Lindsay's inaction we are expecting to have to issue proceedings next week. It is not going to be cheap, an estimated £15,000 which we have had to pay in advance, but for us now it is not about winning or losing it is more about taking on these bully-boys at their own game. All the emails and letters that we have sent which Cunningham Lindsay have denied ever receiving, thankfully were sent recorded delivery and we also have delivery notification for our emails. I hope we get a decent enough judge that will put them in their place. Even though we would prefer to keep our affairs private, we have been contacted by a freelance reporter who is very interested in our dilema, even to the extent of bringing into the equation a production company if this goes all the way to the High Court, so watch this space!
  2. My insurance was with Saga it was London & Edinburgh my claim was with which turned out to be AVIVA the worst of the worst they appointed CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY what more can i say just read the rest of the forums it the same story over and over again. I can't seem to find out who the underwriters are for AVIVA to complain to them about there so called insurance company 3 years on and still not fixed. If AVIVA would stop paying for advertising on the TV they could pay there clients ( US ) our money On saying that I had a claim 3 months ago water escape through Saga and they could not have been better it was seen to within 3 days and it is being fixed next week not a problem different ins company not AVIVA. I do think the C / L are to blame for all this they should be struck off useless for a better word the more they save the ins co the more money they get, think I should work for them or may be not could not lie through my teeth like them. I hope they can sleep at night as I can't for all the stress they have put me through.
  3. I think that a few of us should get together on this and take them on they just can't keep getting away with this and treating people like s--- we have the right to have our houses fixed we pay our insurance so why is it that they don't want to pay to get our houses back to the way they were before our damage it is NOT OUR FAULT so why ? they are in it to make money for themselves we pay there wages don't we ? I think that we would be better off putting the money in the fire for all the good it does when we have a claim, or put it in the bank every month and if we have damage to our property at least we would have the money to pay for it. They can't fight all of us if we go together on this, My case has been going on for nearly 3 years and I have been left to run around doing what they get paid for WHY ? they get there money handed to them for doing nothing but fobbing us off NO MORE
  4. Hi The company Aviva is a wast of time they did nothing about C/L at the time it is now in the hands of the Ombudsman again he can't take sides what C/L have told him is a pack of lies they no how the system works and how to get around it to suit them as I have never had to do this kind of thing I am in the dark and over my head I would not have taken this on but I did not realise the extent of the damage to my house after the explosion as the weeks went on more and more cracks were appearing though out the house as the roof had lifted with the blast I think the only way forward is to go to the papers something I did not want to do but everybody is telling me to do it and expose them for the way that they treat people this is not my fault it was an explosion in the kitchen due to a gas leak they have offered me £750 for the stress which is a joke my hair fell out I have given up my business due to the stress, I just could not cope with they way that I have been treated over this it is as if we did this on purpose which is not the case my husband could have been killed he has not been right since it happened and i have had to deal with this also ,we live in Aberdeenshire so if anybody can help me in this matter please get in touch.SN
  5. Hi, we to have had more than our fair share of C/L they are just unbelievable they won't answer your questions but they will ask you plenty to confuse you, they just hope that you will go away. Don't give up keep going get your own surveyor don't have anything to do with there surveyor or experts that they send as they work for them they are in there pockets as I have found out when they sent out a EXPERT to look at my kitchen and windows he was not what they said he was he is a property maintnance guy NOT A EXPERT all the work he does ( employs guys to do the work ) is for the insurance companys what he said in his report was nearly word for word what C/L had said over two year previous about my kitchen he took a photo of my kitchen did NOT measure but sent a PHOTO by email to a kitchen company and asked them to quote for the kitchen which was cost price to him which would not be the price to me and cheep apllances which my ones are not cheep so don't belive anything that C/L says I would be willing to take C/L to court as they should not be getting away with the way they treat people or get intouch with the TV program Dom Littlewood I think the more people that no about C/L the better I have been told to go to the scotish newspapers to get more coverage. C/L make more money they less the insurance company pays out to the home owner, my claim has been going on since January 2010 and I won't give up for all that it has made me ill even if it kills me I won;t give up as I no that they are wrong and I am right we pay insurance to protect our homes and it is our given right to have them fixed, when we had a gas explosion in our kitchen this was not our FAULT but they way that we have been treated you would think it was so don't give up.I got in touch with a company in Blackpool to take this on but they let me down at the last minute so will have to go it alone again they built up my hopes turned out to be a waste of time again, I think they were to friendly with C/L so be very carefull who you speak to as they all no each other.S N
  6. Still no further ahead I now have been advised to go to a loss assessor not a loss adjuster rather than the solicitor so i will see what they can do i have had building control out to my house to look at the garage with the subsidence they tell me the best to do is to have it demolished as it is beyond repair and to rake out the cracks C / L solution will not fix the problem it will only get worse don't no what C/ L are talking about, usless for a better word this is now 28 1/2 months and still not fixed. Spoken to a company in Blackpool that takes on this complaints like this so will see what they can do if not I will go to the papers or TV this can't go on much longer.
  7. Hi, I did think about that but don't no who to trust as I said even the Ombudsman I don't trust, things he has said to me does not ring true when I said that C/L had said to me about things at my house and when i told him what they said he said they denied saying that then he said why would C/L lie ? I have spoken to Alex Salmon the PM he has spoken to Saga but they say they can't get involved because of the Ombudsman so time to ditch him I think the whole thing is corrupt. I have had two structural engineers at my expense and a company that does pinning plus builders and Slater's and more quotes than I care to remember and still they don't believe any of them the insurance is not worth the paper it is written on I have told everybody about Aviva and not to go near them and to check all the company's that they have under there name we have spoken to a solicitor and he wants to take it on he said that this has gone on to long.My friend's in London has spoken to somebody she knows in I think it's the telegraph news paper so time to take off the gloves this can't go on it has made me ill even thought to end it all seeing the doctor tomorrow again just the feeling of hopelessness and it never coming to a end
  8. RE Cunningham & Lindsay Well done you I hope I have the same out come we have been fighting them for the last 27 months due to a gas explosion at my house I have just found this forum and all that I have read is the same as what we are going through don;t get back to me on phone calls and emails they have been to my house twice they say things to me and my structural engineer but when they go back to there office ( they never said it ) my windows are burst and my french doors but they say that they can be re sealed ( NO THEY CANT ) my roof lifted and the nails heads are through the plaster walls cracked inside and out they sent a XPERT to look at my kitchen he took a photo yet he managed to get a quote (how ) I no how he got the quote, he never measured the kitchen the same with the windows he is a property maintenance co that works for C / L, other builders that have been to my house said the guy must be a cousin to them as he does not no what he is talking about and he seem to put down on his quote just what C/L had put down ?we also have subsidence at my garage which was made worse with the explosion it has been going on for 7/8 years and still they seem to say to fill the cracks this is not an option as it is really bad every body that has been to look at it say that it is beyond repair, again they say it will cost £ 1500 to fix they have not had anybody to look at it I have had quotes to pull it down and re build it or underpin and repair it and it is thousands so where do C / L get there prices from not in touch with the real world I think. reading what other people have said on this forum it is the same as what we are going through I gave up my business due to the stress and my hair fell out they don;t give a dam what you are going through I am on antidepressants due to this I have gone to the Ombudsman and what I can make out is that they are lying to him as well so we are now going to a solicitor and there is a reporter wanting to take this story on I am a very private person and don't like the press but I feel I have no option now so watch this space
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