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  1. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll write to them ASAP, I'm just worried they'll take this further in the mean time as they haven't heard from me since i received their letter. I'll be sure to save copies of everything. I know what you mean, but that's why i initially said i'd pay back £100 a month, so by now it would be paid-off and i'd have nothing to stop me from saving. I am however, only saving for 4-5 months. That's why i was thinking of paying them back in smaller installments, at least until i come back from China. Anyway, thanks for the info. :]
  2. Thanks for the replies! I'm going to call them asap and i'll let you guys know what they said.
  3. Hi! I had a quick look, and there seems to be no posts about my precise problem with these and even CK Edrupt. I took out a Provident loan of roughly £1000 a year or two ago and was paying it off as agreed. In spring last year i went to China for 3 months, so i set-up a direct debit with a 'friend's' account so he could pay the agent on my behalf (a bit silly i know). Basically the whole thing fell-through, the money had problems sending and when i came back i was 3 months behind my payments. That's when CK Edrupt got in on the action, saying i had to pay them instead, and the rest of the letter saying about court and full amounts.I asked the agent that came to our house if i could just pay through him still and he said that the head honchos at the Swindon office had already decided, and that now CKE were in on it there was no going back. I thought 'fair enough' and agreed a payment of £100 a month to them (roughly the same amount i was paying the Provident agent) . The existing balance was £800 when it got switched to them. I figured that if I'm giving them £100 every four weeks, then it would be payed-off by February of this year, so i set the last payment as sometime in February. I forgot all about it, thinking everything was all done and dusted, but Provident had sent me a letter the other day of my existing balance saying it was still at roughly £500. Seeing the 'Bankers order payments' coming in at only £69.57. So it seems to me that CKE had been siphoning-off £30 here and there, and had it not been for that, i would have the loan already payed-off. So my questions are as follows: Do CKE take some sort of percentage of what i pay? (never remember reading about this) and what's the minimum amount i can pay them back now? i.e. £25 a month, £10 a month. As i am trying to save money right now and that would make it a hundred times harder. Thanks in advance! I'll be keeping my eyes glued to this thread! haha
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