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12 Good
  1. I've got my money back! Just check my bank account this morning, I don't even know why I looked as I thought it was empty! The Halifax have paid up for the total amount of my claim, I just can't believe it at all. Thank you so much for all the help that you have all given me, I klnow that I have been completely usless at this whole thing from start to finish! Sea Side Lady thanks especially for all your help and encouragement! I will definately be making a donation to this site as without it I would have just let the Halifax have my money and not even thought about getting it back! :) :) :)
  2. Hello, I've been sat for the past couple of weeks waiting for anything else to come through the post from either the bank or the court and I've receiced nothing. On this coming Friday (20th July) it is the last day of the 28 days since Halifax told the court that they would be sumitting a defence for the full amount of the claim. Could anyone please tell me what to do if it gets to Friday and I've not heard anything, do I need to get in touch with the bank / court. Any help / advice would be great! Kat x
  3. Moneyhelp,they haven't attached anything to the letter, it was just a 'Notice that Acknowledgement of Service Has Been Filed'. Will the questionnaire be sent later? Thank you for the support sea-sidelady, I get so easily scared by official looking letters! I guess I should just sit back and wait then, I think it'll be around 20th July that the 28 days will be up as it's dated back to 22nd June. Kat
  4. Thanks for the advice but just got home today and found a letter from the court waiting for me. Halifax are submitting a defence and so I don't know what that means. Do I just sit and wait? And have I no chance of getting anything back off them if they are going to defend against my whole claim? Am slightly worried and it just seems like I'm never going to win this and that the Bank will have won again.
  5. Surprise, Surprise! I need some advice again! After I handed everything in at court I recieved something called 'Notice of Issue; (I think). It stated on this form that Halifax had until 25/6/7 to either contact me or the court directly. I haven't heard a thing from anyone. Should I now follow the letter insructions, which aren't that clear, and send it back to the courts to say that I've not heard anything from the Halifax? What does it mean if they've not done anything, they haven't admitted anything or offered me my money back but at the same time they've not tried to defend them selves. Any help or ideas??!!! Thank you!!!!
  6. Well done on getting the letter all sent out and everything, you seemed to have less trouble than me! I've been asking for help with nearly every step (and got loads of fantastic help!) and I've finally got to the court stage of my claim. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they just give you your money back after your first letter, but if they don't good luck with the rest of your claim!
  7. Thanks for the advice about my 2006 statements, I'll see what happens with this first claim then I'll give 2006 a go! Well I've got everything sent off to court and had the letter from the court so it's just a matter of waiting to see if the Halifax will reply by the date given to them by the court. I'm just convinced that I'll not get anything back and I'll be the only person who isn't entiltled to their money, is that my just being a pessimist?!! I hate all this waiting for replies from the bank!
  8. Well I think I've got everything together, and off to the court at some point today. I know that this is probably the wrong time to bring this up but I will do any way! When the SAR letter has been sent with the £10 cheque is it usual for the Halifax to send copy statements for you to sit through with a highlighter and mark all the charges? Reading other threads this seems to be the case. I never received my statements after the initial 40 days, then I forgot about it for months then decided to find out where they were a few months ago as the cheque had been cashed. After speaking with the Halifax they said they would definately send them out but all I got was one sheet of paper listing charges on my account, completely missing out the year 2006 (I'm thinking that should have been my worst year for charges) but not thinking anything of it I just worked from that one sheet and that is how I've ended up at this point. Should I have chased for actuall statements and also the details for 2006? Have I messed it up?! I hope some of that made sense!! The past few days I've been doing all this at work and not actually doing anything else, this is so much more important than work at the moment!
  9. Well at least I know that it's not just me then! I'm handing everything into the court tomorrow so it'll be out of my hands after that! Thanks everyone so far for all the support! Fingers crossed!!
  10. Thanks for the advice - it's most definately time for a cuppa! I hope it's not just me thats finding this stressful and flapping around like a headless chicken!
  11. That last link was great, thanks very much! I've completed all the forms I think. Basically I've copied out as per the instructions and filled in my own details. Am I now asking for my charges back plus the 8% interest and the interest per day now? Who signs the bottom of the N1 form (statement of truth)? Is it me who needs to sign it? I think that apart from those two questions I'm ready to hand it into my local county court. Do I just hand in all three copies of the N1 and my schedule of charges? Ooh, if I'm handing in the exemption request for I won't need to pay the court cost there and then, will I?! I think if it all look alright I'll get it handed in this week, no point hanging around I suppose! I'm really sorry for being so 'needy'!! Your help has been tremendous!
  12. Arrgghh!!! I just can't seem to get my head around the whole court route! I've looked through loads of threads and people seem to know exactly what they're doing. I've read and re-read the information on the links you sent me and it's just not sinking in, I'm honestly not this stupid usually! Can you tell me if there are any step by step insturctions into correctly filling the N1 form and what I do after that. I've been reading people success stories with the Halifax and it's made me determined to see this through although I doubt that I'll ever be able to get everything completed and posted to court! Help!!! :?
  13. Thanks for all the info. When I get some time I'll read it properly as I've only just looked briefly at the links and boy does it sound complicated!! I'm sure I'll get my head round it, your help so far has been great! Fingers crossed that I get it right, heh heh!
  14. Thanks sea-side lady! Sorry to be a total pain though but what is the next action for me to take or where would I find the instructions? When I got the letter the other day I felt completely disheartened but if you think I should battle on I will do!
  15. Hi, I had loads of trouble requesting my statements from the Halifax. I'd sent the request and £10 cheque recorded delivery (which they cashed) and waited months and months (to be fair I had forgotten about it!). When I finally decided to do something about getting my statements I rung the Halifax Telephone Banking - who are pants! What number are you ringing because when I called the Halifax telephone banking they were rubbish but they gave me: 01422 326 398 to ring. I don't know who they were but they resent my statements to me straight away. Good luck!
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