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  1. Well, basically I was stuck in a long line of traffic, there was a broken down van/lorry on my side of the road causing a lot of disruption. I eventually reached some traffic lights which were on a large cross road, I was in the left lane (which was left-only) but I couldn't turn left due to the road closure and I couldn't turn right due to the traffic & the no-right-turn sign on the junction, so I had to go straight ahead which I am assuming led me into the congestion zone. I turned around at the turn off and went back to find a different route
  2. Hi all, So, here's my story: I got made redundant in November, worked hard to update my CV and had dozens of job interviews and finally got offered a job in Jan. Part of the job involves driving, ALOT, so during my probation period I had a hire car and had to go from Hertfordshire to Brighton, for some reason the satnav wanted to avoid the M25 so it took me through London. Eventually I came to a junction somewhere in London and the satnav wanted me to go left, but the road was closed and there was no right turn, so I had to go straight ahead.. I went about 20 meters, stopped and turned around, went back and got back on track via a different road. A few weeks later I get a letter at my desk and it's a PCN for failing to pay the congestion zone charge. So, here's my arguement: 1) I was never informed of the congestion zone in my theory or practical driving tests 2) I was flustered and didn't even notice congestion zone signs 3) I wasn't in the congestion zone for very long at all 4) I can't afford to pay £60.00 If I had known about the congestion zone, I would have logged online that evening and paid the charge, claiming it back from my employers. I made a representation stating that there was confusion with the satnav and a road closure, along with not being able to financially afford the PCN but they have rejected it. I am thinking about appealing their decision... does anyone have any guidance?
  3. You can see the document here: dub dub dub 4shared.com/office/cMYhNwdw/20120405180840121.html
  4. Adur District Council it says, Civil Enforcement Officer 198
  5. Hi guys, I started a new job that requries a lot of driving around and it would appear that I'm very unlucky. I got a fine for driving through a bus line a week or so ago, but yesterday I got a fine for parking for too long (5 minutes over an hour!!!) I'm going to try and get out of this one, I think its a little unfair since the road was empty and I was stuck in a meeting. I've scanned the PCN, if anyone can help I can email you the scan, as I can't upload it just yet due to having less than 20 posts
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