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  1. hi, ive just purchased a moped from ebay and when i did a hpi check on it, at first it came up with 'outstanding finance'. I called the car check comapny and they told me that the finance comapny had no interest in the vehicle, they said some comapnies take longer to remove the flag from the system. after this i did a check with experian autocheck and everything came up clear so i continued with the purchase of the vehicle. i also asked the seller about this and he said that there is nothing like this on the vehicle and if i have any problems to get into contact with him. i have now purchased the vehicle and the seller has sent off the logbook to the dvla to be on my name. i just doubled checked the hpi and the previoes owner got the vehicle in jan 2012. i think i have made a big mistake. after reading a few posts on here, im just really worried that it might have a logbook loan on vehicle. what advice would you give, dont know what to do as the logbook should be with me soon.
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