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Heather E

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  1. Thank you again everyone, your comments have all been so kind and helpful. I had a terrible nights sleep, I think I managed about three hours in the end and this morning I got a telephone call from The Evening Express [our local paper] I burst into tears as I was telling the story to the journalist I talked to and they are very interested to run the story, running to the press is not something I would be inclined to do but in this case it feels like it may be the only way I am going to get any satisfaction, I will keep you updated.
  2. Thank you all so much for your understanding, I have written an email of complaint to JJB's Head Office and I intend to do the same for Mothercare I have also contacted local press who I am positive will get back to me tomorrow. Is this a good idea do you think?
  3. Hello all my name is Heather and this is my first post on the forum, I have joined today for a reason and would welcome any input when I explain what happened to me today.I am a full time Carer, my daughter is 22 and has learning and physical difficulties, today I left her with a support worker and went shopping, one of the stores I went to was JJB Sports and I had been shopping for around ten minutes when I was approached by the Store Manager and an assistant and asked to "Leave the store" Apparantly the manageress from the store next door [Mothercare] had seen me passing the window of her store and identified me as someone who was stopped for shoplifting in Mothercare two months ago. I HAVE NEVER STOLEN ANYTHING IN MY LIFE!! I have been so upset all day in floods of tears and absolutely humiliated. I have since phoned both stores and Grampian Police who have told me that stores are within their right to ask whoever they want to leave.I feel so angry, hurt and frustrated and I really really do not want to let this matter drop. I don't know what to do now and it has made me feel as if I never want to go shopping ever again.
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