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  1. I have more than less confirmed that I will not being going on the stag weekend. One of the guys who I work with and is more senior than me (but not my manager) who is going on the trip came around my house today to pick up some euros I had for them. He said that he couldn't see a problem for me to going as I didn't need to be running around while we were there. He also told my brother to try and persuade me even more. However I think I am making the right decision in not going as its not him I've got to shine in front of and anything could happen while I'm there.
  2. Cheers for the replies, interesting to see people's thoughts. I think assisted blond and sidewinder and most of you have hit the nail on the head with what I'm thinking. And I do have insurance honeybee13, although will have to look into that to see about excesses and how much I will get back. I'm not expecting Ryanair will even consider refunding me direct! It's just that some of my friends think its perfectly ok for me to go away as its my holiday entitlement and it was pre-booked before the injury and I will not necessarily have to do potential harmful activities. Also they think that work would think the same which I very much doubt. My friends were even talking of getting me crutches. I think personally I would feel happier sitting this one out and getting whatever money back I can. I think I'm best to respect my job at the same time as getting my ankle working again.
  3. I damaged my ankle ligaments about 10 days ago playing football. I got it checked out by the hospital the day after, no broken bones but ligament damage. I've had alot of swelling and bruising since so I went to the doctors today and he said I've likely torn my lateral ligaments. He's signed me off work for 2 more weeks as my job involves being on my feet. I was due to go away this weekend on a stag doo to a European city, however I was suppose to be going with about 7 other people from work. I have booked the days off as I was due to work this weekend, but I'm very worried about what managers at work would say if they found out I went. My parents are saying I shouldn't go but others are saying will be ok. I'm trying to find out what would be the right thing do in this situation? Thanks.
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