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  1. Can anyone tell me if I'm looking at tens or hundreds in terms of the fine? Tax is 107 for 6 months and last sorn 3months ago
  2. That dosent sound good? I think it was sorn beginning October. £260 down and looking at even more?
  3. Thanks for that, Just read some horror stories of people being fined again by the dvla on top of what the clampers charge. Will ring and check Thanks
  4. Thanks for reply - not sure if i follow I have paid the £260 fine and moved the car off the road, is that the end of it as the car is still sorn?
  5. Thank you for the advice. I think he added his card for me to make a payment to clear a debt earlier with the, so I didn't pick up more charges than necessary. But it looks like they stored the card and use it when they like now, he phone the bank the other month when random money started disappearing only for natwest to tell him it was wonga. If my card has expired and they don't know my new card numbers and he cancels his card can they still take money?
  6. Sorry just re-read my post, its spiralled in the sense I have had to pay off each mont and then re-borrow to pay for food, bills etc. it's just become out of control and the charges are what's killing me. I have set up another account today with natwest and I will transfer my wages into that at midnight on pay day. But wonga have gone into my other halfs account and raided that too.
  7. Thanks for moving to the relevant place. Should I wait for default before emailing regarding charges? Thanks for the help
  8. Hello, I'm looking for some help. I have got into a right mess with Wonga and Swift Sterling - I originally borrowed a small amount to cover car repairs and this has gradually spiralled to £900 with wonga and £1200 with Swift and I have had to pay off the loans and borrow back leading to this cycle. But this month were at d day, were i'm going to struggle to pay both back and probably default. I'm looking at what my options are and if anyone can offer some advice to get out of this nightmare. I know this is my problem and its my my credit is shot to pieces anyhow hence why I had to go to these lenders in the first place, and its starting to affect my sleeping and i'm feeling down all the time. Any help appreciated. Bam
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