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  1. Hmmm, seems like I have to cough up then. I was hoping there may have been soem technicality in the wordign of the PCN that might have helped. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  2. jamberson : yep, that's the roundabout. To be honest i haven't yet gone back to double the signs but due to it being night, I didn't see anything that was obvious. Is there anyway to appeal based on the fact that the signs are not glaringly obvious to a motorist when going through that roundabout?
  3. Hi All, I accidently drove up VIne Street in Uxbridge on Thurs, 15th Mar at 9h30 pm and gone done for being in a bus lane. Can't remember seeing any obvious signs. I recall seeing a buslane on the left hand side (LHS) and moving across to avoid it but looking at the PCN photo, I got done for being in a bus lane in the oncoming traffic lane. Attached a copy of cleaned PCN. Is there anyway I cna fight this based on inadequate signage/or PCN being poorly worded? Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Hillingdon PCN - bus lane - 15.3.2012.pdf
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