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Everything posted by Annette1973

  1. Thanks guys . PT, the Court just said her certificate was dissolved, no other info, I'm afraid. She isn't on the Register of Certificated Bailiffs either. I guess I'm gonna have to settle for making her boss answer for it all. The new Form 4 was sent today, will let everyone know how it turns out but. As I said before, I won't be surprised if Mr J suddenly disappears as well, then, I suppose, it will be back to the drawing board.
  2. Hi guys, I know it's been a while, unfortunately, life got in the way a little. To update, due to the Form 4 against Ms. S........ not being heard as she was fired before the hearing, we have now put in a form 4 complaint against the MD of Ross and Roberts, himself a Certificated Bailiff. As Mr J........ condoned and supported the actions of his Bailiffs, I now believe that he has no business having a career in Debt Enforcement of any kind. Hopefully this complaint will make it to the Court, however, as most of the evidence I have against Mr J....... is via the Police, I strongly suspect that he will suddenly leave the employ of Ross and Roberts. Watch this space...... As far as it goes with the Council, I have sent them statements of what we have paid on each account. These statements show that we have overpaid. I have informed them that if they will agree to closing our NNDR accounts at nil balance, we will take it no further. Due to my health issues and other things going on in our lives, I would prefer not to go down the road of a lengthy legal battle with the Council, I know I should fight but lately I've come to realise that it is me who is stressing over all this, not the Council. Having said that, if they do not agree to my proposal, I will have it out in Court with them.
  3. A Statutory Act is only given the force of Law by the consent of the Governed - that means you, people!
  4. Hi CF, thanks for asking, eyes still bad and now I have Shingles as well, it never ends, lol. I guess I'm just used to it, so I just try to carry on regardless.
  5. Just a thought, her boss, the MD, is also a certificated bailiff, perhaps I should put in a Form 4 about him. He did condone her actions and he abused us both on the phone during the ordeal, again, witnessed by the police out on our drive. He has been shown to be lying to us several times in different letters and emails, he is certainly not fit to be a bailiff.
  6. Hi, it was actually the Courts. I called them regarding a Form 4 and they asked who for and directed me to someone else who divulged the information. Before I knew about the Form 4 I told her Certificating Court what she had done and provided them with evidence, I got the impression that they strongly suggested to R&R that she be dismissed, then they discharged her certificate, it's all a bit weird.
  7. Thank you everyone. I have indeed decided to now pass it all on to a Solicitor. It's really too much for me to handle. Any ideas on what sort of Solicitor I should be looking for? What area of law?
  8. Hi CF, it appears he has also disappeared into the ether. He was a Trainee in March, it's now September and he isn't on any of the Bailiff Registers at the MoJ as a fully Certificated Bailiff. It's proper p****d me off, I deserved to face that bitch in Court after what she put us through
  9. By the way, I've got Shingles, which is why my updates have been few lately, I'm exhausted and to top it all my daughter is moving out in 13 days to go to Brighton Uni.
  10. Guys, I have bad news. I informed Ross and Roberts of my intention to pursue a form 4 against the femal bailiff. I sent my evidence so, they sacked her. Now I don't know what to do. Her Certificate has been discharged by the Judge at her Certificating court, now I'm assuming that I must pursue her in person or take action against Ross and Roberts for her behaviour. I really don't know what to do, feel a bit deflated. It would appear that our evidence was so overwhelming that they knew she would not win in Court, then they would look bad so, they got rid of her. But where does that leave me?
  11. Hi guys. I've started on the mammoth task of sorting out my file ready to send to my MP etc..... I've got OB and the gang working on my criminal issues with the council and R&R. I won't give up, I'm letting them have it!
  12. I would just like to thank everyone for their continued support over this matter. I have temporarily lost most of my sight due to toxins blocking up the glands in my eyes. I am lucky that my iPad has speech to text recognition, however, dealing with this case would be impossible without the Caggers help and advice
  13. Thank you . A lot of people say I'm unique, not sure if it's in a good way, lol. Been very ill last few weeks. Thankfully, I am getting a lot of help with this from the Caggers
  14. Thank you BM. Not doing too bad at mo. Spending today getting most of my paperwork etc.. up together ready to report the criminal aspects of this case to the Police. As long as I pace myself and not get too heated, the old ticker should be fine
  15. Thank you . Fortunately, for me, I have Agoraphobia, so the Docs know I will not stay in Hospital. I say fortunately because, like many people, I hate Hospitals.
  16. Hi guys. Well, what a crappy week I've had. On Monday was the Court Case and, although we won, it still took it out of me. On Tuesday I had to go to Hospital for more tests, fasting . On Weds I had to shop and tidy the garden for my daughters leavers BBQ. Thursday was the Barbie, house was wrecked, garden was wrecked. Yesterday I had to see my Doc. She informed me that not only have they missed the Diabetes, they have also missed the fact that my Thyroid function is way too low and have increased my dosage by double what it was. The Thyroid issue has caused my Cholesterol to rise to a very dangerous level and the Docs are now concerned for my heart, great. I spent the rest of yesterday and all of today getting rid of the stench of students and attempting to put my house and garden back together. As a result of the week from hell, I have had to put the case on hold. I'm sure I shall be up to dealing with it in a few days. Thankfully I am not alone. I have made some great friends on here who are helping me, at least that will take a little strain off of my heart. I was a little angry that the Docs made such a mess of my Diabetes, now I'm quite furious but, I need to remain calm, impossible
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