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Everything posted by Sludlow

  1. Thanks dx, will be on it this week. Am going to start with a CCA request and see what comes back, if anything. After reading a lot of posts on here, seems that whenever this is requested they go a bit quiet, funny that. Will also be asking for proof of when payments were made, who or by what means it was paid etc and see what they say. As i online bank, I can go back through years of statements, not that they know that is the case, and at least I have proof that no payment was made from my account. I am assuming that while all of this is going back and forth, they have to cease any collection activity as the debt is clearly in dispute? Should have just ignored them really, seems a lot of other people have had a pretty lousy experience with these people over the years. Oh and in answer to your question, seems it's just Citi they are representing, if you can call it that.
  2. Well the slightly shortened version of the story is this. Just before Xmas I received a letter from dlc, offering a discounted repayment on a debt that was supposedly with a company called 'Associates'. Until then I had received no other letters from dlc, so was a little confused. In this letter they had also stated that if I didn't contact them within 14 days they would send a doorstep adviser round. I responded by asking for further clarification as to who the original creditor was, as Associates didn't ring true and also advised them, that I was unwilling to meet with any doorstep advisers, that if they attended to visit my property, then they would have to make an appointment, and that I would not be making an appointment of any kind. The response to my reply, which came yesterday, was rather stroppy to say the least. They are saying that I am the debtor, they have proof that they have corresponded with the correct person (although what this is they won't say), that the original debt was with Financial, for a credit card ,which was taken out in 2001, that I must complete the income/expenditure form and return to them and that I am incorrect in saying that they will have to make an appointment to visit me at home, that all they have to do is give reasonable notice of the visit( surely this is the same thing?), should this form not be completed and a payment schedule made. The account was passed to them in 2007 and they claim that payments were made by me in 2011. I have checked my bank statement, and there were no payments made to them, from me, in March 2011. I am going to complete a CCA request, as I am not entirely sure that this is my debt. But if, as some have suggested, they don't have to send a signed copy, how can they prove it is or prove it isn't? Many thanks, to all of you that have replied so far!
  3. Thanks Stigman, much appreciated. It wouldn't have been an online application I wouldn't have thought, seeing as it was 2001 and am going to have a dig through the paperwork I have here to see if I still hold a copy. Will post up once I get a reply from Hillesden.
  4. Hi All, Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section or has been answered elsewhere. I am dealing with Hillesden/dlc and am going to send a CCA request for the original credit card agreement. I have read a lot on here regarding the CCA request and what they must supply but my question is this: The credit card agreement, with Citi, was taken out in 2001, so do they have to send a copy of the original signed agreement, or can they just send a true copy of what the agreement was back then, without my signature. I understand that a lot of agreements prior to 2007 were inaccurate or didn't comply with certain guidelines? Many thanks for your help, and sorry again if posted in the wrong place!
  5. The V5 in questions was sent off to them and as I then brought another car they were fully aware of the change of vehicle and change of address. It wasn't until speaking to Marstons that they explained all the letters regarding the fine, house calls for non payment and the court letters went to my previous address. They also explained that it wasn't until it had got to court for non payment and handed over to them, that they did a trace and found I had moved to where I am now. This was back in Dec 2011 yet they hadn't contacted me at this address until last week.
  6. I recently received a letter from Marstons (have seen a lot about their tactics on this site) asking for £550 to be paid in full to clear an outstanding Court Fine. I received the letter under a week ago and telephoned Marstons on the day it was delivered. The person I spoke to informed me that it was a fine for not returning a V5 log book to DVLA and that it dated back to just under a year ago. I explained that I knew nothing about this ( I moved addresses and all the correspondence,if there was any, was sent to my previous address). I was told that there was nothing they could do about this and that I could either pay the full amount now or pay in 2 instalments over the next month and that if I was unaware of the original fine, I would still need to pay them and then speak to the court about my dispute. My question is this, if i pay Marstons, essentially to stop the Bailiffs turning up, how do I then go about getting my money back if I prove that I had no idea about the original fine?
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