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  1. Thanks to both of you guys for the response, Sidewinder, that is pretty much the stage we are at now. The last time I spoke with Moorcroft I made it quite clear to them that I refuse to accept responsibility for the outstanding account and that I had only offered to pay for the toy as a gesture. I've heard nothing from either party for about a month to five weeks until a letter arrived today, they are still asking for full payment. dx100uk :- I did contact Studio initially and offered to pay for the toy and close the account, they refused payment. I then emailed them explaining in full detail how this debt had ended up in my name and again offered to pay for the toy. I got no response from the email what so ever. Thanks guys... Jon T.
  2. Hello there, I'm looking for a little advice please, A few months ago now, probably late summer last year, my ex-partner opened an account with some kind of online store called ' Studio', she opened this account using my name, my email address and my debit card, I assume this must have taken place while I was out working or something because the first thing I knew about it was when I received a letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd. Well, that's not strictly true, I had received an invoice from 'Studio' but at the time I hadn't got a clue what it was all about and assumed then addressed it wrongly, after contacting Moorcroft I soon discovered what had happened and they were trying to recover money outstanding for some kind of talking teddy bear that had been bought, it took awhile for all this to sink in as I couldn't understand at first why they would think a man of 56 years old and no children would want a 'talking teddy bear'. I came off the phone convinced that Moorcroft had lost the plot, that was until I mentioned this to my ex-partner the next time we spoke. She then admitted that she had opened the account and forgotten all about telling me (we were still living together at the time the account set up happened). Shortly after this I contacted Studio and as a gesture of good will offered to pay for the toy, they refused and said I would have to deal through Moorcroft now as the account had been passed on to them. I contacted Moorcroft, explained exactly what had gone on and offered to pay for the toy, they wanted me to pay something like £153 for a toy that was £63 when ordered. I asked how on earth they got that figure and they said it was interest, plus they're fees, I told them that in that case they had better contact the person who actually ordered the damn toy as I was not prepared to pay that amount. I have since had numerous letters and phone calls from Moorcroft demanding this outstanding debt, I have spoken with my ex-partner and advised her to get in touch with someone over this matter, she said she would, it appears that she hasn't. I've had no contact with her since around February and she is no longer at the address where she was so I'm unable to discuss this any further with her at the moment. In the mean time Moorcroft are still trying to claim I owe the debt and I'm still refusing to pay. Sorry this is a bit long winded but I'm trying to give as clear a picture as I can. If anyone has any ideas or advice I'd be very grateful to hear them/it. Thanks... Jon T
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