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  1. Dear ALL, ive waited far too long to finalise my claim to GE Money. Could anyone explain how you calculate the daily rate of interest from the 8% interest to the date of issue for POC court forms. Also can you clarify a point as im going stir crazy. My Mortgage started in August 2004. I pretty much received charges from inception, however these have been added to my account and monthly repayment has been updated to repay within the remaining term of the mortgage. 1) How far back can I claim unfair charges and under what legislation. (6 or 12 years) 2) can I include additional interest claimed by GE Money. Ive got everything else including an offer from GE Money to repay £500. No thanks. Thankyou in anticipation. Mike.
  2. HI Guys, Im not sure who made the phone call. The person we dealt with was self employed under the Mortgage shop banner, The details then went off to a company called The Mortgage Bureau UK, based in Rotherham. They were a mortgage packer. Theyre website has been taken down now, but before they did I downloaded all the info. They state that what ever they sell, there is no recourse through the FSA. It would have to go to court. The company has since dissolved, however it still lives down the line through numerous names and is still trading today under a different guise. (Got to love companies house). I have contacted The Mortgage Shop who have wiped their hands, I have contacted the person who went through the paperwork with us and he has his own mortgage company, but he has distanced himself from this as well. Its funny but when you read the First national application form it asks for First national intermediary code and FSA number. How can a company not registered with FSA, then go on to sell a mortgage. Anyway, my question is, how do I find out who dissolved the company/administrator and who am I going after for mis selling PPI? Help!!!
  3. Hi citezenb, I have SAR from GE Money with all my original documents. I know the amounts, and the statements show me paying it to GE Money, The application is even written on First National headed paper, however i cannot recall who the call was from. GE Money says to take it up with the mortgage packer who didnt have a credit licence to sell these items anyway.I just want to know who I should be chasing please. Mike.
  4. Hi all, am completely new to this and have not found how to post in the appropriate section yet sorry!The question I have is in regard to my mortgage. I obtained my mortgage through the Mortgage shop In Barnsley. I thought they were a broker. I had a less than perfect credit history at the time. It would appear now that my mortgage was arranged through a packer, who dealt with everything on behalf of GE Money home finance. It would appear that they did not have an FSA approval or credit licence and the company has since been dissolved. Having looked in to this and the many off shoots through company house it seems they rack up debts and then close down. Anyway I digress. When I took out the mortgage, both me and my wife were well payed and did not want to take out PPI, however during the course of the application we were telephoned and told that in order for the mortgage to be accepted, we needed to accept PPI. I have since contacted GE Money to claim this back and also Cardiff pinnacle. They both state that I need to contact the broker, but as i stated they have been dissolved. What do I do next please. How do i find out the adminstarter of insurer or are GE Money and Pinnacle just fobbing me off.I have got all info through SAR from GE Money due to claiming my charges and the amount was taken from my account and added to this charge account. Do I need to SAR Pinnacle as well.? Help Any information of help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mike.
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