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  1. Many thanks for the advice, took out the policy when Millie was a puppy, nearly 9 years ago now, I think I have all the old documentation. The monthly premium was £6.50 to start with and went up each year by £1 a month. Last year (Feb 2011 renewal) it shot up by £7 amonth and we then had to contribute 20% towards the cost of each claim. We nearly cancelled the policy then but worked out that we were not that much worse off and also if a complication happened to the eye condition we couldn't afford not to have the cover with the cost of vets fees. Will check out my policy in the next few days and get back to you, I really appreciate the support you are giving me.
  2. I also have problems with the Halifax pet insurance policy. I took out the gold cover as I wanted peace of mind for my dogs health. Thank heavens I did as 4 years ago she suffered lens luxation and has had to have one eye removed and the condition is in the other eye and she will have to have eye drops for the rest of her life (hopefully another 8-10 years). My monthly bill at the moment is £52 for two eye drops to control this problem, i have estimated that future care just with the drops ( and this does not include her regular checkups) will be over the remainder of her lifetime to be approx £6-7000. We have been offered just over £1000 which we have refused as this would last us only about 2years. I have explained to the lady on the phone when I registered my complaint that my husband has lost two jobs in 2 years and now only has a part time job, and I have lost hours in the shop where I work as it is so quiet. I explained that long term we cannot afford her care and we would have to give her up which broke my heart. All she said was that she would reopen and investigate my case again. Having read some of your threads I am more hopeful but any further advice would be greatly appreciated.
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