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  1. Well here's hoping! I will update on PDUK, I wish I had done it earlier (or just not got the loans in the first place!) as I have rolled these loans over so many times, this has been going on about a year! But with the info on here I realised that there are so many people in the same situation. What I will say is that it defo helps to tell someone, I was worried sick on my own for months and I told my mam last night and although she couldnt help financially (not that that is what I wanted) it just really helped to finally tell someone! Don't be embarrassed, everyone makes mistakes.
  2. Thanks, I asked about so but they refused and I thought it was more important just to accept the plan as they dont seem very consistant in their approach! I will see how the first month goes before I relax totally but in all fairness they didnt complain or moan just offered me the plan, I just hope PAYDAY UK are as easy!! I cant believe I got myself into this situation and before this week I couldnt see a way out, dont underestimate how much your advise helps, I would have been too scared to do anything before I came on here.
  3. Hi there, I am new to all of this but got myself in a similar situ - I did take advice from the CCCS but I have decided to sort it out myself, I have two payday loans, Quick Quid and Pay day UK. I emailed both this afternoon after being ill through it all. Quick Quid responded and after some time spent on Live chat I have managed to set up a pre default payment plan over 4 months with no extra interest/charges. I have email confirmation of this and have elected to pay by dd but my wages no longer do into that account so will just make sure there is enough to cover the payment. Just waiting to here back from PAYDAY UK, having just sorted QQ out (if all goes to plan) has made me feel so much better! Thanks for all of the advice!
  4. I'm after a little advice. Basically I have two payday loans, one with Quick Quid and one with Payday UK. This has all got a little out of control and so I have taken advice from the CCCS and I have a pack from them and everything, I am in the process of opening a new bank account etc. I just wondered should I go ahead with a DMP with the CCCS (they are including my overdraft which isnt and imminent debt) or should I contact the payday lenders myself and sort out something with them (i understand this will not be easy!) Thing that I am most worried about is being contacted at work. I have cancelled my DD with Quick Quid but Payday UK obviously have my card details - if I do go ahead with the DMP how will I make a 'token payment' before the plan starts? Any help would be appreciated.
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