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  1. Ah, I see. I'll go through the ones they sent me in the SAR and do it manually, I was thinking the spreadsheet was going to do it for me. Cheers again, Alex.
  2. Hi, I used an average calculator with the 1.458% & 2.008% amounts which gave me 1.733%(AVG) I put that into the APR converter which gave me 22.9% (Compounded). I attached the sheet to see if I have done it correctly as it looks different to the other sheet you uploaded. Thanks, Alex.
  3. Ok, I understand a bit better now. The earliest statement they sent me was from 19/01/2007 and the Payment Protection is £17.76 the Purchases monthly interest rate at that time was 1.458%. The last statement they sent me in the SAR with Payment protection on it was from 22/5/2009 and the payment protection is £17.38 the purchases monthly interest at that time was 2.008% There was another 4 years before 2007 but I have no statements for that time. Again apologies for my apparent stupidity on this subject this is way over my head. Alex
  4. That is the problem, it doesn't say the rate anywhere only the on the statements it says "Payment Protection £17.76" with varying cash amounts on every statement. I'll upload a statement if it helps but I can't for the life of me work this out.....
  5. I am really sorry about this but I can't get this to work properly I don't even know what the average interest rate of my card is or where to find it. I put this into the CISheet:- Claim from: 25/11/2002 (1 month after card application) - Claim to 16/06/2009 (the last statement date to have a PPi charge on it). Interest Rate (APR):- (I don't know this) Date of charge:- ( I entered the claim from date) Description:- PPi Amount of charge:- £1422 (based on £18 per month X 12 Months X 6yrs & 7months). Is this right so far? how do I find out my average interest rate?
  6. I tried using that form with dates from the application date in 2002 till when I cancelled the PPi in 2009 with an average of £18 a payment and it throws back a total of £33.39?
  7. So, as I was about to post I had a look at the 2 spreadsheets that you linked to DX and I am now more confused than before. I have printed out a FOS CQ and will fill it in, The cover letter I will write and sign to send but the spreadsheets only seem to calculate interest for loans, my credit card had fluctuating amounts throughout the statements so don't know how I can use them. Also the FOS form/Cover letter, I take it I send this to RBS by recorded delivery? My last claims were done over the phone so this again is new to me. Thanks, Alex.
  8. Thanks for all your help DX, I am going to phone them again tomorrow morning and start a new claim stating that it was recommended on the application and in a closed room by the advisor that the PPi should be taken. I will let you know how this progresses. Thanks again. Alex.
  9. Thanks for the reply Dx, Say this was the case and I did fill in a mail in application in branch under duress from the advisor I still don't know what to do next, do I start a new claim with this new info or resurrect the old one with no evidence that it was done in branch but only that it was me that filled it in and not the advisor as stated? I basically don't know what to do next. Alex.
  10. Hi folks, Just received my SAR documents from RBS as requested (Statements, Account notes & Credit Card Application) and have attached the application form which as you can see on it has the "Card payment protection (We strongly recommend you take out this cover)" section ticked. As I previously mentioned my first PPi claim was rejected because I originally told them:- 1. I did not fill the form in I just signed it after a member of staff filled it in. (This is not the case, The application is in my handwriting) 2. That the application was done in branch. (I cannot remember if this was the case now that I have seen it, I applied for all my loans in branch but this application is indeed a "mail in application" which was pointed out in the rejection but I can't remember mailing it.) This is probably due to the fact I have forgotten how I applied because it was over 10 years ago and made my claim without proper information. Either way, my question now is will I still be able to claim the PPi and how after these issues because at the end of the day it's 7 years worth of PPi Payments at around £18 a month (around £1500) that they owe me and the application does lead into ticking the PPi box. Thanks again for any info you can give, I feel at a loss with this one. Alex.
  11. Found the address, letter all filled in and ready to go. I'll get back you when I receive a reply. Thanks again. Alex.
  12. Here is the attached SAR Request letter I am going to send with the obvious amendments to be added (my addresses, Signature and account number) I hope this looks ok, I am unsure if it has the correct address to send the SAR to. Sorry for needing lead by the hand with this, I feel a bit out of my depth. Thanks again for all your help. Alex.
  13. I honestly was unsure if I needed the CCA or a SAR, The CCA would get me the Credit Card application form so I was led to believe and I needed the original card agreement as my PPI claim was first rejected saying it was a postal application but I am 100% sure it was done in branch at the same time as a re-financing of a previous loan as I have never applied for credit outside of my bank. I basically want to see the original form because I cannot remember if I filled it in or the advisor did either way it was in a closed room and I'm sure the application form had "we STRONGLY recommend you take out this cover" on the PPI section of the form, see the attached PDF for a similar application from around the time around when I applied. I just need proof on paper so I can re-apply for the PPI as they rejected it on the grounds that it was a postal application and not a branch application, either way I am sure I was coerced either by the advisor or the form it was 13 years ago and I can't remember exactly. Should I get a SAR? Will it get me more proof/info? Again this is unknown territory for me, I just want to get my facts straight so they can't find reason to reject me again. Thanks. Alex
  14. Thanks for the info DX100uk. I am still unsure which step I should take next, should I send the letter you posted with a digital signature and a note stating that the automated signature should be accepted as such or send it with my original signature but with a sharpie line through it. Or maybe I just send it with my original signature as they should still have it anyway on the original credit agreement which is what I want to get my hands on in the first place. Also, you mentioned:- Is that the original application I signed in the branch as I only really need the application form to see if it was indeed filled in by myself, I am unclear which document is which. Thanks again, sorry if I'm being a pest. Alex.
  15. I got the template when I googled CCA request form and used a guide from a wordpress page which quoted "This template is adapted from “Letter N” on the Consumer Action Group forum. You can amend it as necessary." Which reminded me I joined CAG when I first started my PPi claims. I can link to it, but unsure if it is allowed in the forum. It was the same site that quoted "It is recommended that you do not sign the letter with your usual signature, as there have been rumours of creditors “cutting and pasting” it onto their own paperwork. You could use a handwriting font in your word processor, or sign over a thick line which would make it obvious if your signature was tampered with." This is why I used a font to sign it. In addition when I sign the above letter when ready to send should I use my true signature or amend it slightly to show if it was indeed cut and pasted as I was first informed or is this in the extreme? Thanks again for all your help. Alex.
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