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  1. Well done There are some good guidance notes on the Insolvency Service website, if you need them.
  2. It is most likely the simple fact that Provident have chosen not to register the debt with that particular credit reference agency.
  3. Oh my word! First and possibly most importantly nobody needs to pay for debt advice - there are plenty of free debt advice providers out there who will not only advise on the most appropriate debt solution for you but will help you to achieve it. You need to seek specialist help from a local law centre or CAB (if you want face to face advice tailored to your personal situation) or alternatively you need to contact National Debtline if you are ok with impartial telephone advice. With debts at the level of yours, it would seem that bankruptcy is probably the most likely solution but it does warrant specialist advice and I strongly suggest that you seek some. I would absolutely discourage you from paying anyone anything to fill in a bankruptcy petition for you - it can all be downloaded from the Insolvency Service website (along with comprehensive guidance notes) for free. Please get that advice!
  4. Hiya, It is technically fine for you to petition for bankruptcy while in receipt of benefit income. Your benefits should not be affected and you should continue to receive them as normal. It may be that there are other options available to you and I would suggest that you get some proper advice tailored to your individual situation frim somewhere like a law centre or CAB.
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