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Everything posted by Maciej

  1. Hi, thank you for your responses and help. I am really happy that there are people who helps each other in those days. I will definitely use these information. PS. I tried message you (BankFodder), but it says that your mail box is full. Regards Maciej
  2. Hi, Sorry for the language but is not my origin. I am writing here, because I have no idea where it could be posted or sent. The last Saturday 10th of March, I was shopping at Comet in Falkirk. I was going to buy headphones called “Beats by Dr.Dre”. Everything went well until the payment. My fiancée inserted her card and put a pin and after it she received a message that she can take the card back. It looked like the operation being carried out correctly, but then the salesman told us that something is not working correctly, because he did not received the payment confirmation. he tried on the another computer and the situation we went through before looked exactly the same. He told us then it is a problem with our bank, we thought it could be caused by my fiancée’s card, therefore I tried and a message that appeared was that I have no enough funds on my account. That was weird for us, so my fiancée decided to withdraw a money and then pay with cash. When she came back she told me we have no money on the account. We went home immediately to check our account via a computer (a bank was closed at 13 and that happened after 13 the day). Indeed, our money (404 pounds) disappeared from our account. We had black thoughts and we called a bank to find out what happened to them. We spent half of a hour waiting until a bank tells us where the money went out. Our bank told us that we paid twice at Comet the day (a single payment was 202 pounds, the price for headphones). We went that day to Comet to get our money back. The first thing after we came back to Comet and told the salesman the situation, was a big confusion. He absolutely had no idea what to do, so he came back with a sale manager. We described him the problem and then he announced it is not their fault and we must sort it out ourselves. I disagreed, I replied we had a phone call with our bank that told us that Comet has to make a move due to that a bank accepted the transaction and sent the money to Comet. The sales manager was surprised and left us for ten minutes saying that he has to call a help desk. After he finished the call, he came back and told that the money are between our bank and Comet and is nothing he can do about it, due to a cancellation on the part of Comet, and the money will comes back to our account within a few days (a bank told us 7 days). I asked him, how he is imaging it? They took 404 pounds instead of 202 pounds from our account and I have no funds to live. What he offered? An overdraft. He was arrogant and ignorant, not helped and an apology was a derision, left me in a difficult situation and absolutely he did not feel guilty at all. Obviously I did not received the headphones. Is anything I can do about it? Regards Maciej
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