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  1. My partner put in claim for IS last week so this should supersede my ESA claim automatically?
  2. CAB did not point this out to me, I thought the ESA was my only option. Prior to going self employed I was on DLA & Sickness Benefit due to my tumor, thought that is what i would be going back on.
  3. Since my earlier post i have spoke to CAB who tell me i have to attend, they also advise that my partner who is my carer should claim for IS, so thanks for the info. on another note i had to change appointment time as it was same time as my son finishes school, but you would not believe the attitude of the person at medical centre, they were not happy to change it, it was like they came before anything else, would be interesting if i go into labor day of medical LOL
  4. hi guys, i`am longterm disabled due to brain tumor as a child, I have been on benefits up until 8 months ago when i started a small business from home, i found this difficult so had to stop 3 months ago. so i`am back on benefits & have been asked to attend an ESA medical in two weeks, does anyone know if this sounds right as by then i will be 32 weeks pregnant & will be in no way able to work that is without taking my disability into account.
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