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  1. Thank you SO much for your very valued thoughts on this. Whilst perhaps not CD, my understanding is that it is at least a case of breach of conduct, which I'm aware is not considered as serious but surely should carry some consequence, should it not? Thanks again
  2. Hi, I have just signed up having read some of the very useful advice on here but couldn't find anything that exactly mirrors my situation. I wonder if some kind person with more knowledge and experience of such things could help me with this. I started work 2 1/2 years ago as a manager in a travel company. I took the role as the diversity appealed as did the chance to learn on the job, even though the pay was not close to what I had been on in my previous role. Essentially, until now I have been managing a team of reservations staff, negotiating with hotel owners and contracting with them, marketing and other related duties. I have reported directly to the MD throughout. My annual reviews have both been glowing but it is clear that the company itself has not been performing adequately. Then, in January of this year, the MD announced two redundancies (both very badly handed and they ended up settling out of court with one as a result) and some structural changes. Essentially he has decided to create a new role and employ a head of reservations to manage the entire reservations staff of the company (including what has been my team up until now). My role will essentially be the same...but without the managerial responsibility. i.e. It won't be the same at all! My concerns with this are essentially about my future career progression. I see myself as taking the next step and becoming a general manager in about 5 years' time or so and this reduction in my responsibility certainly doesn't help me get there. I will admit that I think the MD is probably doing something that is for the good of the company as each team has been run as its own independent fiefdom over the years and the streamlining effect of bringing in one overall head of reservations will improve this. However, unfortunately I have to look at what is best for me and the revised role is not that. I am also concerned that although i have reassurance on email from my MD and the head of HR that it is not their intention to reduce my salary, I will be doing a job that is at least one pay grade below mine and this will mark me out for future redundancy. I have had two informal face to face representations with my MD and made my feelings known. His attitude is essentially that he had to make the changes for the good of the company's future. So I believe the next step is written notification of my grievance. If anyone has any thoughts about this (I didn't find ACAS particularly forthcoming when I spoke to them), before I invoke the company's grievance policy, I would be so grateful. Even if, as ACAS suggested that there is a case for breach of contract or even constructive dismissal and it is fair to say I am unhappy there in any case, I need to see whether it is worth my while going down the official route and burning a few bridges on the way. Many thanks in advance. dtothel
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