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  1. Hi, Unfortunately I shredded my hospital appointment card as I was under the impression it would not be needed and was a few weeks back. I can ask talktalk to send me a call log as 0800 numbers are not normally shown on your bill due to privacy. They will have a copy of the phone call right? They say all calls are recorded. SJ.
  2. Hi, I need a little advice, I was due a medical on June 19th that was to be recorded. I received the letter they send out three weeks before hand, after a week I rang them up using the number on the letter that says if you need to cancel/discuss your appointment. I was going into hospital the same day as the medical to have a wisdom tooth extraction, spoke to a gentleman at ATOS on the phone, he said no problem we will send you out a letter for you to tell us why you couldn't come and we will make another appointment. I received a letter last Friday that I sent off this Tuesday asking me why etc, so I filled it in. Yesterday I had a phone call off the DWP asking why I didn't attend the medical, I told the lady I had informed them two weeks before it was due I would not be able to make it and explained I had phoned ATOS on the number on the letter. She told me that they weren't allowed to rearrange assessment, and it would now be marked as a did not attend. It would be sent to an assessor to see if I would keep receiving ESA. Now I followed exactly what it said to do on the original letter, I gave them two weeks notice why I wouldn't be there and I might get punished for it, if it goes against me can I appeal? Thanks, SJ. P.S. Sorry it's a long post.
  3. Sorry about delay getting back. I'm going to take all my medication in a bag and take it with me. I've had depression for years and been on anti depressents for the same amount of time. Because I moved to a new area I have to wait again to see a psychiatrist, been a month and a half so far.
  4. Hi, I have the dreaded 0 points medical on Friday but I would like a little bit of advice. I suffer from asthma, diabeties type two, depression, sciatica also gastric reflux. I'm waiting to see a psychiatrist due to depression etc, now they have called me for this medical but I have not been diagnosed yet. I rang them up to explain but was told just to tell them, but how can they judge if your fit without a Diagnosis? I'm a bit worried as I'm not to sure what to expect, any advice please? SJ.
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