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  1. It's probably quite busy right now (with the Olympics coming up) so maybe it'll come in the summer...can be up to 6months
  2. You will most likely need to write a letter apologizing for your action and say you won't do it again and offer to pay any costs, I think there are some letter formats somewhere on the forum (?). You not being aware of the fact you didn't have enough money on your oyster card for the journey wouldn't really matter (ignorance doesn't count apparently), but I can empathize with you on that matter :/
  3. you just have to wait for their reply and hope for the best,I know it's a really difficult time for you but I am sure you will get through it
  4. I think those that do it on a regular basis are bound to get caught some times, and I think The Tube did highlight that pretty well so yep never lie and just don't do fare evasion means you won't be facing that problem. I lied a while ago and to this day it still haunts me, but I suppose that would depend on what kinda person you are.
  5. It's hard to say, depends on the situation and if you are a regular offender (or regular in giving a false name and address)...I think whether they bother tracing you down or not vary, because in a sense there are more serious crimes out there and tracking can be costly so it all depends...
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