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  1. Please is there anyone out there that can help us. My husband was the main earner and was made redundant November 2011. I contacted Kensington as soon as we were told of the redundancy and advised that although I work I was unable to make full repayment on mortgage. Kensington offered us to go onto Interest Only for a short period which was great they sent us the quote and we paid the £75 to change over ,conversation ended with a request for us to call in Feb for review of our situation. They cashed the cheque so we assumed everything was ok. NO NO NO we started to get letters with areas on them called them and asked why and was informed we rejected your request to be placed on Interest Only as you missed a box on the form. We never received this letter stating the request was denied and asked why they had cashed our cheque and ammended our dd to show new charges. TYhings have got steadily worse with this company of leaches and now we are showing areas and are receiving possession letters. I have written and complained but they wont move. I hace asked for the term of the mortgage to be extended and they wont do this either. It seem the only thing Kensington are doing for us is to keep the arrear1s mounting up so as this will make possession easier. I went to c.a.b and have to say they were bloody usless. After our last conversation with the ever so helpful Kensington the wanted us to give a definate answer as to the date my husvand would be employed. MORONS. sorry crystal ball is not working. Please can anyone give us a clue where we go from here
  2. Hi we are having terrible trouble with Kensington. As a lot of people have my husband was made redundant , no we are by anymeans stupid and contacted them straight away as hubby is major earner and we knew we would not be able to make repayments. Kensington eventually after several calls ( all listed ) agreed to let us pay Interest only if we paid the 75 pouns fee to change. Great we thought our home is safe. Not so we received a letter from them telling us we were in arears. Another call to Kensington. Oh we sent you a letter saying that we denied you request. MM well you have cashed the cheque and ammended Direct Debit to show payments were now Interest Only. Another e mail of complaint and further phone calls. Now we are receiving possession letters and to make things worse they have this month taken full mortgage payment leaving us with 80 pounds to live off and pay other bills for a mont, HELP PLEASE
  3. We too are having real trouble with Kensington ................Lets name and shame the sham of their customer service ................................
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