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  1. when i was on the W.P one of the secretly sourced jobs were 100 positions at the Nissan car plant. which was so hush hush that only ingeus,the J.C.P, local news papers/t.v, adverts on local transport for an open day and a piece on newsnight knew about it. special teams out working with employers = google+indeed
  2. @Scotadvisor02 has your suggested mod of I.D left you with little of the bear pit style discussions that you were involved with and you are left with a round of mono post and no real debate as you say "you can change your I.D but not the style of your writing" i have to leave as a chill voice is in the air
  3. @gil_jnr thanks(post count to low to message) but the idus delta web site is good for going straight to the horses mouth but seems to be a old nag set in its ways with the voice and paul.bivand experts in new speak and double thinking
  4. good to see its not just me having problems with this site to load
  5. i have a good admin background with archaeology and was applying for entry level admin roles( office junior\ general admin assistants) and asked for sage line 50 training and found a provider. i got a response that it was not one of there sub-contractors but if i got a firm job offer they will pay for the training(i found the same applies for C.S.C.S cards) which seems like putting the cart before the horse. we are in a jobs market where if your skills are no longer needed you need the training because there are lots of people with the reliant skills and qualifications fighting for the jobs
  6. I have just seen that they have redacted the name of ingeus on my post at indus delta web site
  7. The sanctions as it was explained to me if you do not meet a mandated task(such as number of applications,attendance and behaviour) a appeal is sent to the jobcentre to suspend J.S.A from 2 weeks up to 26 weeks depending on the number of successful prior sanctions much as if i attended the jobcentre and kicked off or did not attend
  8. Hi all just visited indus delta website and posted this I have been with ingeus since august 2011 and was promised a individual and tailored path back in to employment with training and support to rejoin the workforce.I came from 10 years in archaeology and due to the lack of jobs in that sector i asked for training to move in to a admin role. The start date for the admin training is now august 2012 and 1 to 1 sessions with my advisor have ended(due to workload)and will now involve just a group job search with my advisor popping over to check that we have filled the job search log( 10 applications) with another 10 applications a week making around 60 applications a month which is a mandated activity so not complying can get you sanctioned. this seems to fly in the face of your promise to find sustainable work and not shove you in to a job you do not want. My appointments so far have involved my advisor looking at my job search log and printing out jobs from the jobcentre website( on 1 occasion a print out of a job i had already applied for)me asking for training and getting the reply "we are trying to sort out a provider" sorting out travel expenses and that's the end for another week or two. I am not a special case and feel that this is the common experience for people placed on your conveyor belt and let me ask you do you think 10-20 people doing job search as tailored or individual and a minimum of 60 applications a month or lose 2 weeks benefit money( first time) as finding sustainable work. In my opinion it feels like keeping your overheads low and pressuring people in to any job as long as they are off the books and another number to cash in at the DWP. I am not a neo-communist or a anarchist with a axe to grind just someone who has 10 months experience at the coal face of ingeus any one with similar experiences post at your will and hopefully might get a response or banned\post deleted which is why i posted it here and plan to repost it should it be deleted sorry message count to low to post a link it is in Discussion section under ingeus do not deliver on there own misson statement
  9. Thanks for the help, at my appointment today i was informed that 1 to 1 sessions have ended due to my advisor's workload and will just be group job search from now on with the advisor popping over to make sure you have filled the job search log with a minimum of 10 applications per week and a minimum of 10 more at the appointments making around 60 applications a month. Ingeus N.E(of England) seems to have forgotten its mission statement of finding sustainable long term employment and not forcing you in to a job you don't want, the training i asked for( sage line 50) at my first appointment(august2011) now has a start date of august2012 seems to me a long time to arrange training with all those referral fees rolling in
  10. i have been offered a interview at sainsburys as a general assistant( 16hrs) as i have 10 years experience as a field archaeologist supervising up to 15 staff and running budgets up to £10,000 i feel that i can get this job but my point is i do not want ingeus to claim any merit or money for my work i signed the data form but had them put on the computer that i was unhappy with it( i was told that not to sign was akin to not taking part in the programme and could be sanctioned) but do not wish to inform them until i have the job as they are already putting the pressure on me to go on a work placement( which i have asked them to provide me with information why 4 weeks slave labour will change the labour market) or 7 hours job search 5 days a week and if they find out i plan to kick up a fuss about them pimping me to the DWP and milking me for 2 years i have a feeling that they will make my life hell any links to the data protection act that i can use will be a help or any info i can use against them. i do not have a problem with W2W but like most of you i have been left and they hope i will find a job my self and then they cash in. On another note as any one else noticed that the staff from prior W2W schemes have gone. my new advisor was a sales manager in a phone shop nice to see that they are getting the staff that understand there method of W2W
  11. Hi A quick question i have been at ingeus north east for around 6 months and have had a experience like much of the forum. In my last appointment i have been asked to bring a application tracker with a list of jobs ( min of 5 per week in my field which is archaeology so jobs right now a sparse at best) but i have to include the contacts for the position that i have applied for such as name, phone number, e-mail and they then photocopy the sheet( to help my advisor see the range of positions he can put me forward for). I have 10 years unbroken employment history( i am 30) and have applied for a range of jobs form archaeology to admin and warehouse work . I fear that this is not to help me,my advisor or any one else but they may contact the company's that i have applied to to make sure that i am applying for jobs( which i am). Has any one else been asked to do the same i just find it odd that to help them see the range of jobs that i wish to do means that they need the e-mail of the contact point for the job and makes me suspicious.
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