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Everything posted by SkyBlueDave

  1. One more thing. The original mortgage was with the Coventry Building Society and it was one of there "advisers" that sold us the PPI, but we changed our mortgage provider back in 2007 to the Nationwide, but the premiums to the PPI kept going to Aviva. Would the Coventry BS still be the people to send the claim too? Cheers Dave
  2. I've got copies of my original agreement letter along with premium amounts etc. Would that be enough? Cheers Dave
  3. Hi Everyone, Only a quick question I hope. I've filled in the PPI consumer questionnaire form that I downloaded from the MSE site, but I'm unsure of who to send it too. The policy is an AVIVA (or Norwich Union as it was back then) one, but it was sold to me via the Coventry Building society when I took my mortgage out. It was redundancy protection insurance, that at the time (2003) I thought was an integral part of the mortgage I was getting and not an option. So who to send it too? The Coventry or AVIVA? Cheers Dave
  4. Hi Everyone, Again thanks for all your help and links. Citizen B, Yes they gave me a reference number for both the complaint against The Lending Stream and Mackenzie Hall, so all good there. Revenant, Why doesn't that surprise me! Just goes to show what sort of low life we're dealing with! Cheers Dave
  5. Hi everyone. Thanks for all your responses. It's great to know we're not alone with this. I've just this second got off the phone to a lovely lady at the Financial Ombudsman Service. I explained our predicament and she said that she'd get a letter of complaint off to both Mackenzie Hall and the The Lending Stream asking for the details of the agreement and that they will both be investigated over it. So that's put me and the wife in a better mood So do you think I should just leave it now and let the FOS do their thing? As far as I'm concerned the less I have to do with the idiots at Mackenzie Hall the better. Cheers Dave
  6. Hi Everyone, My wife had a letter from Mackenzie Hall demanding repayment of £1344 debt to a company called the Lending Stream. Now this was the first time we'd ever even heard of this company and the only debt we have is the Mortgage for our house and a loan for our car. This debt is simply nothing to do with my wife. I was quite happy to ignore the letter, but my wife wan't. She went onto Equifax and Experion websites to check that her credit was OK and that she hadn't been the victim of identity theft. As I expected it was all fine, with Experion giving her the highest 999 rating that you can get. my wife wanted to send a letter to them telling them this debt wasn't her's and to basically go away. after some digging I found this very website and forum, which has been of great help. I downloaded the Prove It letter template from the Self Help Sticky, put my wife's details in and sent it off. Thinking that would be the end of it. Today my wife has received another letter from Mackenzie Hall stating the following: "I can confirm we that we have undertaken an investigation into the issue raised in the above referenced correspondence and we have concluded that your complaint has not been upheld. The reasons are detailed below. I have obtained and enclosed a copy of your electronically signed agreement with the Lending Stream along with a statement which shows a breakdown of the balance, I have highlighted the signature part of the agreement" Firstly the address on the statement has one line of the address wrong, it says Stirlingshire when we live in the West Midlands. The highlighted signature is just my wife's name typed onto the bottom of the statement. As you can imagine my wife is getting quite upset about this and I'm getting increasingly annoyed. I just can't believe people can go around doing this, just making things up and demanding money from people. So my question to you good folk is what should my next move be? I mean the debt is simply not my wife's and is nothing to do with us. Thanks in advance for any help Dave
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