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Everything posted by MENOPAUSALADY

  1. Hi rebel11 I've been browsing through the Procurator Fiscal Service website and found info as per the following link : http://www.copfs.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Booklet%20Final%20December%202010.pdf so it seems clear that the PF should be able to give me the information that i seek..............so i'm now waiting for their response to my email. Do you think i should start a new thread about that matter alone, as i've decided that it is just not worth the effort tring to pursue the non return of my deposit, it's a relatively small amount of money. Apparently even a small claims would not really be cost effective. regards menolady
  2. Hi kingofrod as far as i know there is nothing to prevent you adding additional information to your bundle, but perhaps becky will know more.
  3. just a thought on the question of who the employer was........surely Mcdumpties wouldn't actually confess to not contacting the agency..........
  4. no problemo............be good to hear how you get on kind regards menolady
  5. found this on directgov site : If you disagree with your employer's decision about SSP Ask your employer for a reason if you think: •their decision not to pay you SSP is wrong •you’re not getting the right amount of SSP If you still disagree, you can phone Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) employee's enquiry line on 0845 302 1479 for advice.
  6. So McD knew you were absent due to sickness, but didn't offer any sick pay ............ i'll have a surf about on the interthingy and see what i can come up with. Hopefully some of the guys on the CAG forum who know more will post soon.
  7. Hi kfrod You may find the following info interesting its from directgov webite, regarding your right to time off for dependants link below: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/Employees/Timeoffandholidays/DG_10026555 bye for now menolady
  8. Do you have copy of emails showing your communications with McDonalds & the agency?
  9. Try visiting the following link its the directgov website and gives info on statutory sick pay : http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/Illorinjured/DG_10018786 kind regards menolady:wink:
  10. Hi..............you may find the following link helpful http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/Employees/Pay/DG_10027253 regards menolady
  11. You could add that your looking forward to your forthcoming 1-2-1 meetings. Then if you find that "L" remains intent on being unprofessional, as becky says, you can initiate a grievance of your own. but lets hope that's not necessary regards menolady:-)
  12. of course if you do decide to write the letter you don't HAVE to say anything that would show that you admit to these accusations..................a nice long wided round the houses statement of regret that any of this happened would probably do it...............
  13. sorry to hear that your so upset..........................have you been given a timescale for supplying a letter?............you may want to suggest to HR that you would like a reasonable period of time to seek legal advice about the whole situation........... regards menolady
  14. So no stage 2 etc............happy result then hopefull kind regards menolady
  15. HOORAY for becky2585.................sanity at last:whoo:
  16. I'm just trying to get my head around this..... ...to re-cap...your at stage 1 of a grievance proceedure taken against you by a colleague who has based the proof of their greivance on a letter "alledgedly" written by an ex-emlpoyee of over a year standing. So your employer wants you to contact this colleague to appologise for something that apparently happened over a year ago................
  17. Hi kingofrod The trouble with all of this is it is verbal only.......and as you say they really don't seem to have aclue what they're doing.............. Honetly if I were you I'd write to the employer explaining how you feel about the whole situation and that you really need an explanation from them in writing, for the sake of clarity at the very least.
  18. sounds like this letter may actually have been written by messers Red Herring & Co.............!!!!!!!
  19. Hi kingofrod thought you might find the CAB website helpfu, regarding preparing an employment tribunal case............. good luck:-)
  20. Hi again Onslo......i've been read through Burchell v British home stores. I can't really see that this is really all that relevant to your situation. As this case dealt with dismissal. You have not been dismissed, nor can i see from what you've posted have your employer has suggested that you might be. From what you've written your at the beginning of a grievance procedure................. .....................Stressful as that is, there's a long way to go, so chin up, hopefully good sense will prevail.........can't really understand why your employer has jumped in at the deep end................. kindest regards menolady
  21. Going back to your initail post, i,d be very wary of talking to this ex-employee. having already made faulse accusations about you there's no guarantee what else they might claim. Anyway i just can't see why you'd need to communicate with this person at all. And why on earth your employer is involving themselves in this is bizarre!
  22. and a part from the question of why has the employer taken so long to deal with this "alledged" letter, why did it take the "agrieved" emploee so long to bring it to light............anyway one looks at this it just isn't credible. But I'd ask the questions in writing.........the answer, which should also be in writing could be very revealing. From what you said about the whole matter if you stay calm and deal with this logically, your holding all the cards kind regards menolady
  23. OK.............. therefore in your letter you may also want to ask the question why has it taken your employer so londg to deal with the matter of the letter? Also more info on greivance proceedures, again from direct gov website : "Your employer should put their disciplinary procedure in writing, and make it easily available to you. For example, they could give you the details in the staff handbook. The details should include: your employer's disciplinary procedure rules what performance and behaviour might lead to disciplinary action what action your employer might take Your employer must also give you, in writing, the name of a person you can apply to if you are dissatisfied with your employer’s decision. Your employer can also set out their own disciplinary procedures in your employment contract. If your employer has done this and did not follow it, you could sue them for breach of contract. If your employer does anything you think is unreasonable during a disciplinary procedure, you should tell them in writing and suggest ways to resolve the problem. They may decide to carry on with the procedure anyway, in which case you might decide to use the issue as grounds for an appeal." all my best menolady
  24. There is something about this that really defies logic......and is to say the least unreasonable...... Q.How can your employer reasonable take you to task on the word of a person who is not an employee? or have i got the wrong end of the stick? regards menolady
  25. Hi Onslo another useful link : http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/ResolvingWorkplaceDisputes/Employmenttribunals/DG_10028122 the part which seems of particular significance in your case reads : It's often better to try to sort out problems with your employer formally before making an Employment Tribunal claim. Speak to your employer - you might have a misunderstanding or may be able to reach an agreement. If this isn't possible, try to resolve the problem through your employer's grievance or disciplinary process Now considering that this information is clearly laid out in a government website, you might want to write to your employer availing them of the information. Hope this helps menolady
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