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maria 21

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  1. Thanks! Not sure I will be going back there again though LOL:roll:
  2. Thats it! Decision made. Will phone the nice man later and tell him to stop worrying. I've never got cross or shouted at anyone as I didn't think it would be help! Its all been very pleasant communication and he even phoned from a football match on saturday because he couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened. and his team lost so all in all a pretty bad weekend for the chap! Think hes probably suffered enough now!!!
  3. Thanks, Think that was the answer I wanted to hear! Thats how I feel about it just difficult with pressure from friends/family the other garage and the aa man all telling me I need to do something else! At least there's another person out there whos with me!
  4. I really don't want him to suffer, he seems like a lovely man and has been very polite and seems genuinly upset by the whole situation. Thats my dilemma! My heart tells me he has learnt his lesson. it wasn't him it was a young mechanic who was at fault. Although the boss is blaming himself for putting him under too much pressure! (nice genuine man) My head on the other hand tells me that if the same mistake was to happen to someone else they may not be as lucky as me! And therefore by not reporting it I would sort of be responsible?!! I'm not good at this Heart and Head stuff (Heart usually wins!)
  5. Thanks, According to the paper work though the MOT was done in the morning when the brakes were fine. They then took them out and greased them as part of the service in the afternoon. It was at this point when they were either not put back correctly or not put back at all! Is it still Vosa i need to contact even if the damage was done after the MOT was completed?
  6. Hi I was hoping someone could offer me some advice. 2 weeks ago I had a service and mot at a local garage. It passed with no problems. a week later I was driving and a loud noise was coming from the front pass side wheel. Not knowing what it was I pulled over and phoned the AA. It was found that both caliper break bolts were missing! AA man was very shocked! the noise was the caliper banging against the wheel. I phoned the garage who was very very apologetic. They offered to take car back and check it over. I said no as I didn't trust them and didn't feel safe. They then payed for another garage to collect car and give it a health check. The manager has phoned me back several times and has given me his personal number. He seems genuinly upset by the situation. I don't know if I should take it further or hope that the garage has learnt its lesson? The AA man said it should be referred to ministry of Transport? Is that right? How do I do it? Thanks , Maria
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