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  1. To R J Dearden, I can't reply to your inbox because I haven't done enough posts. Please let me know if you see this message and I'll tell you more about it
  2. Thanks for your reply. I think we have two landlords now, that's what it said on the paperwork. I'm not sure though. Me and my partner were trying to think of ways to keep the house and we thought about what if his mum was to buy the house on like a buy to let or buy to rent thing (sorry I sound dumb, I don't know much about it, just trying to think of anything) and then we rent it off her. She has her own house, she's still paying for it. Would she be able to do that? I know it probably isn't going to happen and we're gonna have to leave, we're just heart broken its come to this. We have the perfect little life here and I will try anything.
  3. We moved into a lovely big house in June 2011, a few months in we found out our landlord hadn't been paying the mortgage so the house went into receivership. We hoped they would let us carry on renting and maybe in a year or so we'd ask them about us buying the property. Two days ago we got a letter saying they want us to move, they've given us over two months to leave (moving day May 16th). We don't want to leave, we love this house and village, our daughter is in the local school and there's no other house in this village up for rent. Would we be able to find a company or person to buy the house so we can carry on renting and buy it off them in a year or so. We have made this into a home, it would break our heart to leave but at the moment we're not in a position to buy. Would if be worth a chance contacting the landlords and telling them? Please help.
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