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Everything posted by mikemcr

  1. Hi guys, thanks for the info, some things to look into... I've just been onto the online banking and found that they have taken 4x£15 from her account by Debit Card... The thing is, the card they have taken the money from is not in my mothers name, it's my dads card. Are they allowed to do this as the agreement is with my mum? Sorry for all the hassle but your advice is appreciated!
  2. Hi, I am new to this so I am unsure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes... My mother took out a payday loan (in November) to help cover some unexpected bills from Payday Express. I didn't know at the time but was very annoyed afterwards as she could have got the money from me! She paid the first one off but then needed money again to help pay bills (a vicious circle!!) Unfortunately she was taken into hospital with Pnuemonia, she was in there or nearly 2 months and she is still bedrdden now. She had to give up her job due to this and now is unable to pay back what she owes. She should have told me sooner but I only found out about 6 weeks ago and I have been trying to sort it our since. From day 1 she has had problems with them, taking more money out than they should on the correct day and telling her it's for late charges, sending emails with incorrect amounts and even when I phoned up it was 25 mins before they found the correct account. First of all I emailed them from her email 6 weeks ago stating that she would be unable to pay to which I still haven't had a response. I have emailed them a further 15 times in the past 3 weeks (once a day) asking them or a repayment plan in each email and the only response I have had (same response twice) states that before they will consider any repayment plan she has to send them copies of her bank statements, a letter from her employer saying she no longer works there, proof from the Job Centre that she is now claiming benefits and also a letter from the Hospital stating that she has been there and what was wrong with her. During all this time they have also been constantly ringing her phone, up to 25 times a day and sending text messages (17 today alone). They also tried to ring her phone at 8.17am on a Sunday morning, I installed an app on her phone which logs all calls and messages from them. I also sent them a Cease and Desist letter which was not responded to and the calls continue. I called them today on her behalf because they sent an email she owes nearly double the amount what she borrowed and it's being passed on to the Debt Collectors. The manager I spoke to was very rude and was talking over me, wouldn't answer any of my questions and just repeated the same response I got in the email. He also told me that Payday Express weren't making all the phone calls, even though I have proof of it on her phone. Never in my life have I heard so anything so rediculous.. I will not let her send all of this personal information to anyone (enough to steal her identity!), nevermind a company that is unprofessional, harassing, incompetant and untrustworthy. I have NO trust at all for this company and would rather give the Nigerian Lottery my sort code and account number! Please give me some advice of what to do... Do I legally have to send them all of this personal information? Can they harass her this much even though I have sent them a letter? What can I do if they are refusing to send a repayment plan without all this information? Can they still add charges to it even though I emailed them before the payment was due to come out? Thanks in advance
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