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  1. Hi, Looking for advice as I'm furious right now. I exchanged contracts last week and had a completion date of today (friday 24th Feb). I've had several conversations with my solicitors confirming completion was happening today. This morning I got a call from my solicitor confirming money had been sent over via wire transfer and it should clear within 2 hours, after which I would receive a call from the estate agent to release the keys. My solicitor is using Lloyds TSB and the seller solicitor is using NatWest. Lloyds have confirmed the money has left them @ 10:14 this morning and NatWest have confirmed they have received the money but it is in a 'filter' account. Basically because the money is not in the vendors solicitor account I can't get the keys which means I can be there for my deliveries which I have arranged which means I will incur costs. Where do I stand on this matter? What should I do? Am i entitled to claim my lost expenditure on re-arranging deliveries and calling off the worker I have paid to be there over the weekend to complete work? Is there any way I can get the keys quicker than Monday next week? (That's if NatWest decide to release the money on Monday... Who knows how long they will take???) I'm so angry at the moment I just want to sit and cry.... /rant over.
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