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Everything posted by gman101

  1. With all due respect, this isn't a blog, it's a forum. A blog is a kind of on-line diary, a forum is a public discussion for anyone to join in. And of course you are disapointed that I am posting accounts of your customer service on a public forum but I did state on a previous post that I would. In all my previous posts, I have just described my experience of the customer service from C&K and apart form the last 2 sentences of my last post I have kept to the bare facts. Airing my frustrations on a puplic forum is perhaps a little unfair but I really do think your company could be much much more reasonable
  2. I have just received a phone call from your company to arrange another visit to my house to drop off the replacement Sky box. Unfortunately I can't arrange for someone to be available for a full day during normal working hours. This is partly due to the fact that I have taken 2 days annual leave for this already. I tried to compromise by making an arrangement out with normal working hours but that would be impossible. I was told that the timeframe is made up on the day and I would get a phone call at 10am with a 3 hour window. I can't see why you can't make an arrangement for 1st thing in the morning or the engineer's last call at night. I even offered to go to your office with the faulty box and exchange it for the replacement box but that is impossible as the warranty would be void if I transported it myself. I find this a bit strange as I can go to an electrical goods store and buy things and even take them home myself. It has been left up to me to arrange for someone to sit in all day in order to receive the replacement box but I'm not sure how I can arrange this until my annual leave gets renewed in April. I am beginning to think that your company is deliberately making this process as difficult and awkward as possible. If I was to put a value on my days off relative to my earnings I could buy a brand new box for each day I've had to sit in for you.
  3. I sent an email to the address you gave me at 2.06 which was just I before I posted on this forum.
  4. Hi Karen I had an engineer visit on Friday and he confirmed that the Sky box was indeed faulty. He didn't repair or even attempt to repair it. He didn't replace it. He did however tell me that someone will call within an hour to let me know what is happening regarding a replacement box. This is 5 days later and I haven't heard anything. My mother had to use a day of her annual leave for this. I asked the engineer about my £50 payment which should be refunded and he relpied "I'm just an engineer". I will leave this post as just these bare facts as I am so frustrated and angry be the events so far that I don't really want to start on a rant as I would be typing for ages. I am hoping that things will be resolved very soon and will ssubmit a post on this forum with details.
  5. Thanks for the post Karen I'm sure with that amount of installations there are bound to be some problems and unfortunately I'm experiencing one myself at the minute. Basically my Sky box has stopped working, it is still under warranty so should be repaired or replaced without all the drama that I'm experiencing. I think it is unfair to force people to pay £55 up front for a repair to something still under warranty. If the fault turns out to be something not covered by the warranty then a charge would be fair and I wouldn't have a problem with that. I had made an arrangement for a service engineer to visit, taken a day off work, then when the engineer never turned up I was told I hadn't made the arrangement. It was a bit like the Little Britain sketch "computer says no". If your installations are so good and your satisfied customer level is so good then you should be in a position to rectify your own mistakes a bit better ie. if you fail to turn up to a visit you should offer to make an out of hours visit to save the customer from using another day of precious annual leave. Another point (which might sound a bit cheeky) is that if your satisfaction rates are so high then why is that the 5-6 times I've called customer services it has taken about 10 minutes to get to speak to anyone. That point might sound like a cheeky remark but that is about 50 minutes to 1 hour of my life wasted by being on hold to your company.
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