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Everything posted by June4

  1. I took out a loan with Speed-E-Loans before xmas last year. In december after looking at all my finances and debt, there was no way i could pay off all this debt. So i sent all creditors and companies i owed money to payment plan offers etc, and contatced them all by email. Speed-e-loans rung me 2 months ago and said to me that if i paid £68 that they would freeze my account, and then i would pay £50 agreed amount on paydays. I paid that amount, and then they took over £580 out of my account with out consent. I then rung up them on the weekend and they advised me this was an IT error and they would put a double block on my account. And then again they took another £180...i then rung up again and they refused this and said that the person i spoke to didnt exist, they actually made me cry as i have had enough. Im 7 months pregnant and really stressed with it all, and they are really horrible people. I had a call today from Lawerence who was origninally putting the block on my account asking for the money owed, qwhich was £76 but now they have puyt bk up to over £100, its an absoloute joke! They wouldnt stop ringin my work until i spoke to him, they harrassed me by ringing over and over again, evben though me and my collegue advised them i would call them this afternoon. He then started saying that there was nothing in my notes saying it was blocked etc. I said that im not going to pay anymore until next oay day which i will close the account, and they then came bk saying i could pay them the final amount on the next paydate. I am really shaking up today as the way they speak to you is horrendous. They said they would send me an email of proof, but i bet he wont do this.
  2. BTW...I also got this respnse on top of my complaint... Thank you for your email received on 24 February 2012. I can confirm that the business you mention holds a consumer credit licence. Under the Consumer Credit Act, holders of consumer credit licences must be fit and competent to do so and the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has a duty to monitor the fitness and conduct of all traders who hold such a licence. I note that you are aware of the OFT guidance issued to consumer credit licence holders engaged in the debt collection industry. The guidance is intended to ensure that debt collectors treat individuals fairly. Non-compliance with this guidance will call into question the fitness of licence holders and applicants. You can view our guidance at: www.oft.gov.uk/advice_and_resources/resource_base/legal/cca/debt-collection We have therefore recorded the details of your complaint, and we will consider this alongside any other complaints we have received with a view to any consumer credit licensing or other action we may decide to take. If we do take any action against this trader we may need to contact you again in the future. Unfortunately, we cannot disclose any details about any action we may take, due to legal restrictions on the OFT relating to disclosure of information. While we are very sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been experiencing, the OFT has no authority to become involved in individual disputes between consumers and traders so we cannot advise you directly in this matter. The Financial Ombudsman Service can help with most complaints about consumer credit products and services if the consumer has failed to satisfactorily resolve the matter directly with the consumer credit licensee itself. The Financial Ombudsman Service can be contacted at: The Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR Telephone: 0800 0234 567 The OFT has published a consumer guide about debt collection which you may find helpful. The guide can be viewed on the OFT’s website: http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/consumer_leaflets/credit/oft1299.pdf Thank you again for writing to us and bringing this matter to our attention. Yours sincerely David Annis Enquiries and Reporting Centre Office of Fair Trading
  3. So can i just ask anyone on here..I have pretty much done what everyone else has done...and currently having a disupte with CF1 as they are saying they cant deal with me and that i have to deal with Mitigate Trace and collect, even though i send them letters and emails with no response. I just wondered what you are all planning to do...i am happy complaining like i am now, but what are you actually hoping for for the total outcome, as its sorts of just up in the air at the momemnt, and i want to get this sorted. Im 6 months pregnant, and i am currently on payment plans with my creitors to pay this off before my baby comes, but i dont want this lingering overme, its causing a lot of stress.
  4. Thnk you for this. So would you suggest writing a complaint to these as well as all the others that i have complained too? Thnks
  5. Hello, I also recieved a letter yesterday from these. I had contacted CFO on numerous occasions via email and of course by letter. I have got myself in to debt and set up payment plans with creditors. I sent them my paymnet plan and everything but got no response. The letter obv says they have tried to contact me, which in fact they havent. I have made a complaint to all the suggested...so hopefully will here bk! Im fed up with this people just like the rest of you. Especially if you are trying to get your finances bk in order, they make it very difficult!
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