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  1. From my own experience over the course of a year or so it was populated with good and bad staff much like the organisations I've worked for...perhaps the pointy ears and forked tails were hidden in their clothing.
  2. Its been very interesting reading this thread and I dont particularly have any political agenda for being for or against organisations like Ingeus. My personal experience of Work Directions/Ingeus was a largely positive one though ofcourse like any organisation there were better and worse work advisors. I did find them to be understanding and never pushed me towards any job or work programme. I had suffered from mental ill health for several years and found my last advisor in particular to be supportive and understanding. I realise that this wont fit into the general agreement on this thread but I felt I thought I would contribute my point of view. I did have to chuckle at the response to the e-mail advising the poster that they didn't get a job with Ingeus. It was a standard response and I was surprised that it could be construed as anything other than run-of-the-mill. To say that they 'refused to employ' the poster was an interesting take on being unsuccessful in a job application. I'm currently out of work again due to my partner's difficulty with her Aspergers but I would be happy to use Ingeus again to help me back to work. Ok some of their advisors can be a bit brash and naive but I had no major problems with them.
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