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Marie L Pollard

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  1. Hi again. I have posted an up-date at the bottom of this page with regards to my latest saga with HFO services. I am now goint to send the above information that you kindly provided. Before I do so, I would like to ask your advise with regards to the following extract from your text; (iii) I fully expect the police to eventually show that adverse data was wrongly filed which would mean that earlier processing was unfair and unjust. Since we last communicated, I have pursued the possibility of the police becomining involved again and again only to be told the same information ' I can not report this as a crime and the police can not intervene as I am not infact the victim. Monument are the victim given that they are the ones who were duped by a fraudster. I am merely a by-product of this crime so the emphasis is on Monument to report the crime, which probably won't happen given the financial costs that they will incure' As stated to me by more than one police officer. One police officer attended my home after I complained. The moral of the story is; I have wasted more time ans hit yet another brick wall! Given this information, do you still feel it wise that I use the above statement in the letter that you originally composed? Many thanks in advance for your kind help. Regards Marie
  2. Hello all. Just an up-date re my on-going saga with HFO services. Having contacted the Information Commisioners Office I submitted yet another request for access to any and all information that HFO services hold with regards to this apparent debt that is registered in my name! This request was formal and followed a template for a data subject access request that I found online. The ICO told me that the two years worth of requests that I had sent could not be considered because I had not made it clear that I was making a data subject access request so please do make requests formally so that the ICO can act. As suspected HFO services have not responded so now the ICO have written to them and given them another 20 days to comply. I am to notify the ICO if they do not reply. Please read the following extract from the last email that I recieved from the ICO. Obviously they need to be made more aware of complaints against HFO services. To re-cap; make a formal subject data request quoting the Data Protection Act 1998. Send it recorded delivery and contact the Information Commisioner to complain when they do not respond! Thank you for your recent correspondence explaining that you have still not received the information you requested from HFO Services Ltd and it is now over 40 calendar days. When we receive data protection complaints, our obligation is to make an assessment. An assessment is the Information Commissioner’s view about whether an organisation has followed the rules of good practice for handling information in the Data Protection Act 1998 (the DPA). Our aim is to ensure that organisations deal with personal information properly in the future. Our assessment decisions can help us to decide whether we should take action against a particular organisation. You should be aware that we cannot award you compensation if an organisation has failed to comply with the DPA. However we may ask it to change the way it works in the future. We encourage all organisations to take steps to solve problems and to demonstrate to us that they take their responsibilities under the DPA seriously. Our decision You were concerned that HFO Services Ltd had not provided you with the information you requested. You maintain you sent your subject access request to them on 1 March 2012 and followed this up on 28 March 2012, to the email address given to you by HFO Services. In this case we have decided that it is unlikely that HFO Services has complied with the requirements of the DPA. This is because your request was not processed within the timeframe stipulated in the DPA We have asked HFO Services to now ensure they respond to your request within 20 working days. Next steps Most organisations want to put things right when they have gone wrong and learn from complaints that are raised with them. Although we are not taking further regulatory action at this time, we have asked HFO Services Ltd to consider the information we have provided in order to prevent the situation from happening again. We will keep a record of your complaint and take this assessment decision it into account if we receive further complaints about HFO Services Ltd. The information we gather from complaints may form the basis for action in the future. With regards to your request to Monument, if you wish to pursue this we need to see a copy of your request to Monument showing the email address it was sent to or a copy of a recorded delivery slip. However, it may be worth bearing in mind that if you receive the information held by HFO Services Ltd, this may be all the information you require if the debt was sold by Monument. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, this case is now closed. However, if you do not receive the information from HFO Services Ltd, please let me know.
  3. Hi Alan I can confirm that I have never had a monument account and that I had never heard of them before I discovoured the debt. I think, but to be sure I will have to access my folder where I originally saved the copies of the statements that HFO services sent me, that there were two credit cards, with a maximum limit of £500. I will check my file as I am getting myself confused, but basically the debt is related to 'an old Monument account' as HFO services put it. I havn't looked in the file for a while as previously stated I have not managed to obtain much information from HFO services. I do however know that I only have one reference to quote whenever contacting HFO services and they always refer to the 'debt' and not 'debts'. I will check later. I have done internet searches for Monument and get all kinds of information. I would not know where to start. HFO services have never advised me to contact and again the only information that I have is a reference number to be quoted when contacting HFO services. I am not sure if the copy of the statement shows any reference numbers. I will look. Any ideas how I would contact the correct department at Monument? or do I need to contact the other two banks that you mentioned? The manager of my local Barclays bank where I now bank rang HFO services and was, in her words 'sent around the houses' and then she informed me to contact the FOS which I did but they couldn't help. I have never had a bank account other than the ones that I currently use. In addition, I have the same credit card that I have always had and have never applied for or obtained another. Thanks Marie
  4. Hello again jasper and 'wow' I am impresed. I confess that I had to read it twice before it sank in. Are you a solicitor? or just unfortunate enough to have had to educate yourself on these matters for personal reasons? Before I act on the information provided, can I please ask for a little more guidance as I feel scared to submit it before clarification of a few facts, well, one fact. In the text that you so kindly wrote, it mentions that HFO services have not 'provided one scratch of eveidence' obviously you put this in there based on the few facts of information that I had provided. Because I don't want to hinder my case in anyway I feel that I should mention that HFO services provided me with, I think it was two, copies of statements that they have apparently sent to my mothers house. I saw the statement which detailed when the credit was defaulted. They also detailed evidence of regular payments, a few of them, before the debt was defaulted. This is when I confronted members of my immediate family as, even though I have no experience of these matters, even I thought that this is surely not the usual actions of criminals. Why would you bother even paying anything back? Anyway, my question is: should I amend the afore-mentioned section of the text that you wrote, given that I initially recieved two statements? Believe me Jasper, this is the only information that HFO services have provided me with. They have ignored my numerous requests for access to information. As previously stated, no copy of the original credit agreement document as been issued. No copies of letters that they state that they sent to my mothers house. I asked them to provide evidence of 'who had informed them that I no longer lived there and worked away' this request has been ignored. All I have ever recieved is the two statements. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your input and can't thank you enough. The debts should be removed off my credit report next year, as the time lapsed since the credit was granted will be 7 years. Will me submitting the form that you suggested disadvantage me in some way. Should I just wait? As stated, I have no knowledge of these matters so sorry for all the questions. I have tried to find a solicitor who will assist me with this matter but have been unsuccessful so far. Are you aware if there is infact legal help that can be accessed? Finally, if the document should be sent, do you recommend that I copy and paste the text into a word document or is there a formal document that I should be using? Many thanks Marie
  5. Hi and thanks I have already submitted a complaint to the Inf Com. It took all of today to do so. Please can you advise me further what the 'sec 10' is as I don't feel confident doing it given that I have not got a clue what it is. Also, is there a chance that I am making matters worse for myself if I submit it? As things currently stand with HFO services, they do not respond to my requests and state that the 'debt inforcement attempts are currently hold hold because the original document can't be located, but that the debt will remain registered in my name.' Does anybody know how I manage to have my name diss-associated with this debt? Is this only possible once the police, if they ever do, conclude their investigations and manage to prove my innocence? Or is there another way to do it? Thanks Marie
  6. The representative from the FOS managed to obtain some information from HFO services, which was more than I managed. However, as he wrote, he 'had misunderstood my instructions and was therefore not in a position to help as this was not a matter for the FOS.' Turns out that he thought that I was trying to negotiate some kind of repayment instead of vehemently stating that this debt is not mine. He did manage to find out where the credit was spent though. There were cash withdrawels from various cash machines and a the card was also used to purchase goods from an online store. I have asked HFO for this information but have not recieved it. This is the point that I initially contacted the police and was told that 'they would start their investigations by contacting the online store to see where the products were sent.' I have recently submitted to seperate complaints to the police as initially when I tried to report the crime as one of identity theft I was informed that 'this was not a matter for the police.' That was South Yorkshire police and then when I was wroking in Cardiff, I presented myself in person, to the police station and this is where I was informed that investigations would commence. However, I rang them at the weekend only to be told that they 'have no record of me reporting the crime.' Hence me submitting another complaint. I have also submitted a complaint to the Information Commisioner with regards to the information that HFO services hold. Worrying, I was informed by representatives of HFO service that they have 'written to me at my mothers address and were told that I no longer live there as I work away in England.' which is true and so has caused me great anxiety. I have questioned my family who state that they 'are not aware of the debt or any letters being sent to my mothers address in relation to this debt.' Thank you very much for your advise. I do not understand a word of it, unfortunately so I will do some research with regards to what you wrote. The fact still remains that 28 months have passed since I discovoured this debt/crime and I am absolutely no nearer to rectifying my credit or having the criminals brought to justice. Even more upsetting is the fact that I have still not been able to obtain a mortgage. Thanks again Marie
  7. Hi there. I certainly have, on at least 3 different occasions. One in person, to Cardiff police station, and the others by completing online non emergency incident reporting forms. I have submitted 3 complaints so far and heard back from one of the complaints today, but the response just stated that 'they had recieved my complaint and will be in touch.' I am being sent around and around circles. Thanks Marie
  8. Thank you so much. I will start my contact with OFT straight away. I spent 12 hours composing and sending emails etc yesterday and so far today I have been working on this since 9am this morning. I have submitted a complaint to the police as I reported this incident last year and having called them at the weekend I was informed that 'they have no record of me reporting this cirme.' I have filled in online forms on the Action Fraud website, contacted FOS and countless other organisations. Nobody seems to be able to help me so I will try the link that you provided. Thanks so much. Marie
  9. Hello all. I do hope that you can help or advise me in some way as all would be welcome. I have spent the last 28 months trying to clear my name with regards to a debt that is registered in my name. I only found out about the debt when I was refused a mortgage and encouraged to to access my credit file. I am now a member of one of the credit reference agencies and they have bee contacting HFO services on my behalf, as have done representatives of my local CAB and the FOS all to no avail. I contacted HFO services in OCT 2009 and was asked to provide id to prove who I was, which I did. I was then informed that there are 2 defaulted debts registered in my name. I disputed this immediately and was told that they 'would request a copy of the orignal credit agreement from Monument who they had bought the debt from.' 28 months later, I still have not recieved this, despite numerous requests.I was told by representatives at HFO services that 'Monument banked with Barclays' so I contacted Barclays who have no record of this debt. A representative of the credit specialist team from the credit reference agency that I am a member of has recently recieved this reply from HFO servies: THE OUTCOME: HFO Services Ltd confirm they cannot amend/delete the entry at this time. They have informed us that: "If the customer believes it is a fraud matter then he needs to report it to the appropriate authorities as the evidence suggests that he is the debtor. We have already been through this when he raised a complaint via the FOS. The FOS in their conclusions stated they were sufficiently persuaded that the debt does belong to him. We are unable to produce a signed copy at this time as monument is not able to locate a copy. As we have not provided a copy we have placed the account on hold and ceased all collection activity on this account until a signed copy can be produced. As per the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and OFT's guidance whilst we may not be able to enforce the agreement until documentation is provided, the debt remains outstanding and the underlying obligation to repay remains intact." They have asked that you contact them directly using the contact details below. The address provided was different to the previous address that I had for HFO service. PLEASE can anyone advise me how to resolve this? I have requested copies of letters that have been sent and of course the original credit agreement none of which have been provided. I have reported this matter to the police, to the Online fraud Organisation. Nobody seems to care or is in a position to help me. I am not familiar with such matters but do not understand how I am ever going to be able to resolve this matter given that proof of the original credit agreement apparently can not be located. Why then is is lawfull that this debt can be associated to my name and how on earth am I going to prove otherwise? Many thanks Marie
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