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Everything posted by CKServices

  1. Unfortunately, like many other companies, our system does not allow for set times. We do try to accommodate requests but can never guarantee them and would not want to raise false expectations by making promises we cannot commit to. I am somewhat dissappointed that you are continuing the dialogue via blog as we have responded to you (well within our response SLAs) to you direct but that is, of course, your perogative. I am unable to continue this thread as we have responded to you directly. I am sure readers of this blog will agree that we have been very reasonable in our attempts to satisfy your querieis and continued blog updates help no-one. Therefore, I shall, with respect, end my updates in respect of this. Karen
  2. Thanks for this. I can confirm receipt of the email. We respond to emails within four working hours in 95% of cases. I note your forum post was only an hour or so after you had sent the email to ourselves. I would also note that one of our advisors called you yesterday and left a message. However, notwithstanding, we will contact you shortly to give you and update and make the neccessary new arrangements. i would like to offer my apologies if our service has not met your expectations. kind regards, Karen
  3. I appreciate your post but I don't understand why you have not contacted CK direct (via our telephone number or email) so that matter can be investigated and a response sent. This post does not allow for my team to invesitgate as we don't have your name and post code (which i would never recommend posting). Can you please send these through in order that we can look into this further? Karen.
  4. Thank you for your post. In respect of the charge we have found, from experience, that customers won't pay in the event of an fault arising that is not covered by warranty resulting in the expense of an engineer being despatched as cost to the company and utilising a slot that could have been allocated elsewhere. The 12 month warranty cover is restricted to manufacturer defects only and thes, in most cases, if they do arise at all, will occur within the first 4 weeks of use. Out with this period, from experience, faults arising are consequential from something happening elsewhere affecting the equipment. This is not covered within the manufacturer warranty unfortunately. I am dissapointed to hear that the engineer did not turn up. If you can supply your full details to enquiry @ campbellkennedy. co.uk (remove spaces) I will ensure that this is investigated. Apologies for the length of time it has taken to answer your calls but we have been swamped with calls and still playing catch up due to the recent storms which has been unprecedented and has left a legacy of damage which has taken longer than anticipated to catch up on. I hope this helps and I look forward to receiving your email, Kind regards, Karen
  5. I note some of the reviews and, as these do not contain all of the facts, I thought it would be prudent to post a review detailing the most common misconceptions and cause for anxiety for some customers. It is not my aim to start a debate but, moreover, provide a more balanced view of the points raised on this forum. Firstly though we at Campbell & Kennedy work very hard to deliver the best service possible but, on occasion, things can, and do, go wrong. We wish that this were not the case but given that we complete nearly 18,000 installations each year we do accept that things will not run as smooth as we would wish 100% of the time. When things do go wrong we do everything reasonable to put things right. The team always empathise but, unfortunately, if the customer(s) in question don’t receive the feedback they want then, often, it’s a personal attack on the advisor/Manager dealing with the complaint. This, for me, is unacceptable and unjustified given the subject matter. There is always two sides to every story. Our advisors always endeavour give the correct advice and really should not be personally pilloried because the feedback given differs from that which was sought. It is also important to note that Campbell & Kennedy are not Sky. We are an independent company, approved as an installation partner for Sky, we conclude the referral sale and we are paid a one off installation fee and initial commission for the service we provide. We do not charge monthly subscriptions. The customer remains a paying subscriber with Sky and pays their monthly subscriptions directly each month to them. We guarantee the quality and workmanship of the installation and undertake to resolve any warranty issues that may or may not arise during the warranty period. Our sole aim is to ensure we have a satisfied customer. It is important to us that customers who use our services for a Sky Installation have a great customer experience. Customers, with the best will in the world, can get things wrong, as can we, however, we will always try to put things right within reason, even when it is the customer who has caused the issue, but always when we have caused the issue. To help ensure we give a qualitative level of service and prompt response we enjoy 100% call recording, full (reportable) telephone technology and very demanding response service level targets. In order to clarify our service obligations, I will give you an overview of the common misconceptions and the facts pertaining to each point. I hope you find this helpful and enlightening. 1. Non Standard Charges: We do go the extra mile in advising our customer of any potential extra charges that may apply. These range from an automated ‘closing statement’ played at the end of each confirmed booking, to an automated email sent upon confirmation through to a hard copy of this sent via Royal Mail. Our full terms and conditions are also available on our website. 2. Unable to give specific appointment times (3 hour window (ETA)): As with many companies, including sky, we work to an ‘estimated’ time of arrival system where, on the day of the agreed installation, you will receive a call from the engineer advising you of a 3 hour window of their ‘estimated’ time of arrival. This is always given in good faith and is subject to no unforeseen problems arising before attendance. If an AM or PM appointment was requested at the time of booking we will always endeavour to honour this but, as you can appreciate, we can never guarantee it. If the engineer is unable to attend, due to breakdown etc, we will let you know as soon as reasonably possible and re-arrange the visit. If an engineer does not attend as required and our customer service team is alerted to the fact then they will contact the engineer for an explanation and update. As you can appreciate the customer service team are office based and, because of this, are limited in what information they can provide as they need the feedback for the engineer(s) concerned before offering any solutions. All of our engineers carry mobile phones but may not be able to answer these immediately as they may be driving, on a roof, out of range etc. 3. Non Warranty Cover: Your 12 month warranty protects you against manufacturer defects only. Many other things can affect the functionality of your equipment that are not covered (such as high winds, accidental damage, power fluctuations serving the equipment, vandalism etc). Most equipment ‘defects’ will arise within the first 4 weeks of equipment use which is why we do not charge an automatic engineer call-out fee within this period (although call-out fees will apply if damage is clearly attributable to non-warranty covered faults (i.e. high winds)). Out with this period the likelihood is that the fault that has arisen will be due to a consequence of a change rather than a manufacturer defect. In most cases, your household insurance will provide cover for such events but, unfortunately, the 12 month warranty does not cover such events. 4. Communal System faults: These systems are owned by your factor, landlord or housing association and you need to contact them directly to notify faults with this equipment. They will have details of who they have contracted to provide maintenance support on their equipment. Unfortunately, we cannot take instruction from residents directly as call-out charges may apply. 5. Access to lofts etc: The responsibility for access to lofts, roofs etc lies with the customer. Our engineers will not know what is required to gain access, or have keys for such, therefore we must rely on our customers affording our engineers access. 6. Peak times: As you can appreciate not only does the demand for our services peak at certain points of the year (i.e. Xmas) the weather can also have an impact on our availability. In such times we do ask that this is taken into consideration when agreeing installation/call-out dates/times. I truly hope the above helps balance the picture in some way. We do take customer service very seriously and, as we install to nearly 18,000 homes each year, on behalf of Sky and less than 2% of these generate any type of query or complaint. We do have a continuous improvement philosophy and, in this respect, always welcome feedback but, as you can understand, we can only give out guidance and advice as it pertains to C&K and the situation in hand. This is solely our opinion on the matter as it relates to C&K. We cannot discuss matters that may be raised as specific to Sky or any other third party. Such matters are dealt with directly by Sky or the relative third party(ies). Our aim is always to resolve issues within our control and within reason to leave a customer satisfied with their Sky installation and our customer service. I do apologise for the length of this blog but I do hope that you will have found it a worthwhile read. Kind regards, Karen
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