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Everything posted by shazajo

  1. I have received a county court claim form today for a credit card debt from just over a year ago I will admit I owe the debt but can I pay monthly? And also is this the first step in sorting this out as it’s the first letter I have had apart from previous reminders from the card company none of which said court action I want to get this debt paid but worried they won’t accept my monthly payment
  2. Thanks my partner was awarded pip from the 28/02/18 which is what I put on the application form for carers allowance this is a Wednesday and there is a payment In the bank today for £62.70 which I assume Is for the 05/03/18 as when I rang them the other day they said some payments will be going into the account on the 12/03/18 so I don't know if this will be another £62.70 or more as he was entitled to pip from the 28/02/18 so its 5 days backdated?
  3. Hi can anybody tell me that when carers allowance is backdated is it from the actual date PIP was awarded say a Wednesday or is it only backdated from a Monday after awarded pip thanks
  4. Partners had his assessment and been awarded PiP the question I have is he gets his last DLA on the 21/02/18 and then his first PIP on the 21/03/18 and its for 3 weeks payment the question is why no DLA on the 28/02/18 and why is it only 3 weeks payment on the 21/03/18 ive googled it and it seems it happens a lot
  5. Yeah I know that it has to be paid but I'm.worried about what monthly payments they will expect me to pay when I'm struggling as it is Just to add they said they received real time information about my earnings dating back to 2013 so how come they kept adjusting my council tax reduction to go along with my earnings as the letters state my earnings on then new amounts for council tax this happened every few months
  6. Just received a letter today and its a council tax summons I rang them up and they give me a different amount to what was sent in the letter They stated I owed £1758 dating back to 2013 due to my fluctuating wages from then but surely they would of known about my wages when ive kept getting letters from them with different amounts of council tax reduction due to my earnings? I tried to ring them back this afternoon and couldn't get through before they closed now I'm concerned about how much they will want a month then I have to pay this current council tax as well surely they cant expect me to pay back 5 years worth? Tia
  7. Sorry I should of made it more clear,all the letters I have received are from the council there's no blue form from Northampton etc there is a form which I received with the letter from the council asking for my income and outgoings so I'm going to full that in I was just concerned about making an offer then having an amount coming out my wages then paying this new amount on top and then my current council tax I still need to pay other bills etc so not sure how much to offer a month
  8. Firstly apologies if thus is in the wrong section. About a week ago I received a letter from the council stating they had a liability order and were going to take my council tax debt from my earnings , it stated as from 08/09/16 I owed £482 and this was to be collected from each pay day at a % of my net pay today I've received a court summons for the amount of £875 plus £60 court costs and there's an expenditure form to fill in if I want to ask to spread the payments out This is where I'm confused because the attachment of earnings letter states they are going to start to take the payments as soon as its my next payday then the letter about the court summons arrived today its the same reference number on the letter so what do I do? I don't want to offer a payment then they are going to take it out my wages aswell or is this another council tax debt I'm just confused and cant settle until I know but they don't open until Monday and this is the first I knew about how much I owed until now yes its my own fault but due to my fluctuating wage sometimes don't have enough to pay the full monthly amount
  9. Hi I'm after some advice for my daughter She started working for retail company in july 2015 and the employer terminated her contract on the 17/12/15 saying reason for termination was review was overdue and not satisfied with her customer service skills However she got her payslip today ready for tomorrows pay and she hasn't been paid for holidays due or her weeks notice and also again had unlawful deductions from pay due to shortfall of tills this has happened on everypay without her signing anything on every occasion To be honest I think something fishy is going on in the place she worked as every member of staff has money taken from wages due to tills being short paypoint etc which I'm talking a fair wack each month from all staff My daughter is and was very careful with her tills and never once was allowed to cash up her till or count the float at the start of each shift it was done by the supervisor Anyway to cut a long story short I'm wanting advice as to what we should do as she is reliant on this pay tomorrow and now she's not getting what she's owed Any advice greatly appreciated Ps: A member of staff who currently works there said good luck with her getting her holiday pay as she is still waiting for hers off the last time she worked there
  10. Hi Looking for advice for my daughter she was laid off from work 4 weeks ago and was due to get paid what was owed yesterday but hasn't been paid,also been in touch with her old boss and he was quite abrubt and said be patient it will be in by the end of the day to which it still isn't in, she has direct debits etc due out, what can we do? Thanks
  11. Thanks for the tips guys, will have to research that SOGA
  12. We bought a used car in march from Arnold Clark which came with a 60 day warranty and were told by 2 salesmen that we could purchase either a 1 or 2 year autocare warranty just before the 60 day one runs out We emailed the branch where purchased and they're now saying as it is classed as a value range car ie: Under £5000 we can only purchase a 4 or 10 month value warranty which costs £275 for 4 months or £500 for 10 months Where do we stand on this? Because we were told at the time of purchase we could purchase a 1 year warranty £325 or 2 year £475 so we have been misold information We need to get it sorted before the 60 day warranty runs out Do they have to honour what they told us? As by rights I think they should as we wouldn't have bought the car had we known about the other warranty Thanks
  13. Thanks for the reply's she rang the jobcentre and the person she spoke to didn't know what she had to do so they said they would get someone to call her back which I'm not 100% if anyone has yet but the guy seemed to think she would still have to go on this course even though that brought it to today and she hasn't been, si I'm assuming they didn't ring or she got excused The money isn't really a problem as she's relying on me grr until she gets paid from new job so hopefully everythings worked out okay
  14. Hi can anyone help? My daughter signed on jobseekers on the 31st march with her official first signing on the 10th April to which she received £33.10 don't know how but that's what she got, anyway shes been offered a job which she starts a week on Monday but she is supposed to be doing a weeks training at the airport through jobcentre, my question is does ahe still have to attend on Monday? Or can she just tell the jobcentre she has a job and a start date? Thanks
  15. shazajo

    Tax allowance?

    Thanks I seen the link earlier but it states it starts from 6th April and was curious if it will be any change in this months pay which is the 28th
  16. shazajo

    Tax allowance?

    When does the new tax allowance kick in? Will It take affect from this months pay?
  17. Since I paid cash can I not request they pay me back in cash or bank transfer?
  18. Thanks Just to let anyone know Arnold Clark has just been on the phone and I'm getting my money back well in the form of a cheque What happens about the tax I've just paid for the car? Do I get that refunded or do Arnold Clark? I paid them £112
  19. Hi I'm after some advice I purchased a car from Arnold Clark on the 05/03/15 to which I left a deposit as it needed some work done before I paid the balance I've had nothing but trouble since I picked the car up on Friday What I need to know is ,is the 14 day money back guarantee start from the 05/03/15? When I signed the paperwork or does it start from 13/03/15 when I picked the car up Thanks
  20. Thanks for your help its much appreciated
  21. Level 3 travel and its full time but I just want to know whether she gets a part time job say under 16 hours will it affect my tax credits? I get working tax and child tax
  22. Hi I'm after some advice my daughter is looking for some small income while she waits to start her course in september my question is how many hours can she work a week? Without it affecting my child tax credits? Is it under 16 hrs a week? Thanks
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