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  1. Oh, thats strange. I was told that the highway code states you may not park in front of a driveway with a dropped kerb, however its the drivers choice whether to follow the highway code or not as theres no law against it?
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome, There is 1 white line across the whole drive. Details of the ticket: "Parked in a special enforcement area adjacent to a footway, cycle track or verge lowered to meet the level of the carriageway" Thanks, Reggie.
  3. Hello there, I'm new to the forums and was just wondering how I could go about this. My neighbour has two driveways, both with a dropped kerb, however she only has 1 car. Now there are several driveways with dropped kerbs on the road which I live in, and people park infront of them. However, I am the only one that has been ticketed. I'm sure that you are allowed to park infront of a driveway with a dropped kerb as long as the driveway is empty. Am I correct? I've parked infront of her empty driveway that isnt ever used. If someone could help me, that'd be great. I live in London by the way. Thanks, Reggie.
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