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Everything posted by Ingeusisrubbish

  1. I have experienced Ingeus, also what a nasty corporation it's all about profit and NOT people. No one have mention that Ingeus gets £7 million from the tax payer, the service their supply, is no different from the job center but JCP is more professional. What their are doing I can do it for myself, I got access to the internet I can job search for myself I also got an advisor at the Job center. The man that meant to be giving me advice is extremely rude doesn't listen to me. I have written to Ingeus, to request a different advisor, the manager was also unreasonable and also very dismissive about my concerns this advisor shout at me. But instead of the manager listening to my concerns the manager was just has bad the manager belittled me, with the combination of all these traits, from this corporation I can't see how their can relate or help the unemployed. The manager behavior was unprofessional and extremely rude. Ingeus, received £7 million per year from the government this money would go into training and giving unemployed new skills so their can get real jobs. I seen several of these companies come and go in my area. I got qualifications I like to update my IT skills and get some work experience relevant the job, I am qualify for which is accounts, NOT any old job. We need to make our MP countable to us, we need outfits that are non profit based that really give service that will help the unemployed into employment. I am currently on a private part-time IT course paid by my family members, I am helping myself Ingeus is just getting into the way. It's about profit and NOT HELPING PEOPLE. How low can Ingeus go? Ingeus does NOT HELP THE UNEMPLOYED....:mad2:
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