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Everything posted by loulouxxx

  1. Ah right ok understood. Will get to work on it tomorrow then. Get everything together. Thanks that's made me feel a little better.
  2. I have but just wanted to know if any decisions have been overturned to show that it is worth it. Really hope so as one of them was definitely wrong based on what other's have said.
  3. Hi All, I have around 6 complaints with the FOS. 2 of which have already been looked at by an Adjudicator who rejected them both. When she did she told me that an Ombudsman will probably side with her? Is this right? I have complained to her Manager as I really felt that she was biased from the start. I have asked for an Ombudsman to look at them but now after what she said I am wandering if its worth it. Luckily my other 4 complaints are now being investigated by another adjudicator as I requested. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. I have put in my complaint to her Manager so hopefully none of my other complaints will be dealt with by her. Fingers crossed xx
  5. I'm going to. In Sept - Aug - I borrowed £1085 before the £300 then in July I borrowed £2046 before £200 was added. Just for those months I really can't see how she could deem then affordable. I had problems before with her over the 3year rule. On Tuesday I'm going to put all my figures into a spread sheet to see if I am correct and send that to her. If that is the way she deals with things I don't want her to look at QQ or Wonga as those are pretty big and rely on the 3year rule thanks for your response
  6. UPDATE: The FOS have reject 2 of my complaints. Which to me makes no sense. My Jar gave me loans when Inwas already in over £1500 worth of payday loan debt which is clearly visible on my bank statements. I am going to lodge a complaint about the adjudicator as She was very biased. It's gone to the Ombudsman so fingers crossed. I have QQ, Wonga at the FOS waiting to be passed over to a adjudicator. I hope I don't get her again she's useless.
  7. Just update on the CEO of QQ route. It does no good they just reject the complaint too. I have forwarded it on now to the Ombudsman and I am just waiting for an adjudicator to be allocated. Clare Hardy did give me the evidence they will be sending to the FOS and it was laughable. They had that I owned by home when I clearly do not and never have done. They also said I have worked at the same company throughout my history with them that's bull. The evidence spreadsheet they sent was created in 2013 hmmm very suspious.
  8. It did help at all! But she has given me what she used as evidence and what she will be sending to the FOS....I have found errors with it like it says I own my home when I live at my parents, It says my wrong job and title from Apr 2008 - May 2010. So that gives me ample evidence that their system is obviously wrong.
  9. ARGGGG I am having a nightmare with the Adjudicator who have got 2 of my Payday Loan claims. She says she will not deal with any of my complaints that are over 6 years, even though I have explained that I had no idea until I read Debt Camel's article she still insists I could have known that I could complain. I explained to her that I could have reasonably known in Feb 2015 when Wonga refunded me and that I had a Payday loan CCJ that was clearly unaffordable I settled in April 2014 and if I had of know I would have complained then and wouldn't have paid up. Quick Quid are saying that I could've known in 2010 when OFT sent out their guidance but I was still borrowing then and 2011??? Am I reading the 3 years wrong or something? Any ideas? I have ask for another adjudicator but I think that was a little hasty. This worries me though because if she wont look at my loans out of the 6years that's a massive chunk off of my Quick Quid refund and another's too. No doubt if she has 2 of my complaints she will be issued with the other 4 I have. But I am really worried about QQ. Please help and has anyone got any ideas? Thanks
  10. I wouldn't normally but its Quick Quid's CEO office that will be reviewing the decision. They've already sent the generic final response. I copied the CEO in an email I wrote to all the media outlets and got a reply an hour later apologising and saying they will review it again.
  11. Hi Just been reading through your thread. Have you tried to email the Uk CEO and the US CFO? I got the same copy and pasted final response. It didn't answer any of my concerns and even got the main issue right. It mentioned my most recent loan and that was it. Yesterday once I had calm down and had a good nights sleep I did a little digging. I wrote an email to Mr Drew (UK QQ CEO) Clare Hardy (named on the FCA register) Daniel Feehan (USA Chairman of the board of QQ parent company Cash America) Brent Stuart (Cash America CEO) I wrote an email attaching my final response. I also wrote to the media outlets who wrote articles about PayDay Loan especially the ones who wrote about QQ. I copied in those above to them emails also. An hour later I got a response from Clare Hardy, she must be the lower level manager who answers to Mr Drew. She's said that she will review my complaint herself but needed more time (I gave them by the close of business) I have replied with a list of all my issues including this new one in regards to their complaint handling. I've forwarded to her all my evidence and attachments. Has this happened to anyone else and what was the outcome? Hopefully Ill have some good news and pave the way for a second chance before the FOS. Here's hoping!
  12. Hi All. Update on my complaints Wageday Advance upheld my complaint and have paid me back all interest and fees plus 8% Quick Quid rejected my complaint and sent me their final response but the rejection was generic and didn't mention any of my issues it even got wrong What I was complaining about. I wrote a steaming email to the CEO of Eurocash net and the CEO of the parent company in the USA. I also wrote to the All the news papers who covered the stories about refunds and copied in them in. I soon got an email back from him saying that they will look into my complaint again. Don't get me wrong I'm not expecting the decision to change but it just gives me another shot instead of going straight to the FOS. Uncle Buck rejected my complaint so I will be taking that to the FOS Haven't heard from Wonga yet but expecting that to be a no too but they did wipe my last loan so hopefully that shows that the others were unaffordable too. PDUK and Payday Express I have given them more time. Poundstillpayday - Rejected sent to Maltease FOS Monkey Dosh rejected sent to FOs Cash Genie - no response yet My Jar, Mr Lender and peachy - with the FOS CFO lending with FOS WPPL £300 agreed but not upheld. FOS won't touch it because of the CCJ! Will update if I hear anymore x
  13. I had a look and it seems to be 50/50 especially for Quick Quid which is my biggest. Was pleasently surprised when I got the email today about WDA. Hopefully I can get a good result from a few others but only time will tell.
  14. Update: Wageday advance came back and offered all interest plus 8%, Mr lender 50% but taken to the FOS, My Jar no good taken to the FOS and CFO lending taken to the FOS. Poundstillpayday offered to clear the balance and £139 but have declined and taken to the MFSA (Maltease FOS)
  15. Thanks for that! They tried that one I however quoted that it falls under the 6 + 3 year rule. They haven't said anything since lol. Ive just been digging around and have a screenshot from the Wayback when Machine and it shows that QQ asked for no qutgoing information at all. All they asked was living status that's it. Ive taken a screenshot of that and also checked my account info with them and all the parts about outgoings are blank which clearly shows none of those questions were answered at the time of my application. Hope this information helps with my claim as my credit report shows very little.
  16. Also how much do they allow for travel and food? My illness limited my ability to walk on some days as I had multiple surgeries so I had to take cabs from Bexleyheath to Hither Green in 2011 or Bexleyheath to Belvedere in 2008 - 2010. There and back too so I needed around £15 a day in travel costs when I was ill. When I was able to us public transport I paid £10 per day. I couldn't pay weekly or monthly as some days I needed cabs. I work it out that I was spending around £450 on food and travel then £750 to my Dad and around £200 on an Egg loan, NatWest Debt and an EE debt so before any loans I had a deficit of £50 each month, hence the need for payday loans. Before anyone asks if I could've paid less to my Dad I couldn't. I should've been paying £950 as he took out a mortgage in 2005 to clear my Debt then credit cards to help me again. My father thought back then that it would be easier a better than bankcrupcy. He took my payments down to £750 and I paid him more when I could. £750 - Dad Rent and loans on Average sometimes I paid £850 and £900. £250 - Travel (Sometimes more) £200 - Even If I lived at my parents surely they cant be expected to feed me lol. £250 - To Egg and NatWest and EE These are the figures from my bank statements so Ignore those when I first posted.
  17. Hi Everyone, I have got all my bank statements between 2008 - 2011. My 2008 - 2009 statements show I had 9 loans all going at the same time. Mr Lender, Wageday Advance, Quick Quid, Payday Express, Wonga, Poundstillpayday, and CFO Finance. Then in 2010 - Aug 2011 I had 16 loans with 16 different companies. I also had Convers money, uk loan store, Pounds today and monkey Dosh on another account. Just from my bank statements you can see that I was in deep trouble. I have sent the statements to all the companies. My credit files only show Quick Quid, Wonga Mr lender and 247 moneybox but that's it. As some of the loans are older that 6 years they wont show on my recent credit file. As my father took out loans and credit cards to payback my debt from 2005 and again in 2007 I had to pay as he's on a pension and it was my debt. Luckily my statements show regular payments to him. Do they take that on board when checking availability? I have used the Wayback when machine to get screenshots of the companies application page and it shows that they never ask about any questions about my outgoings. I've screenshotted it and sent that to them too. When I went into my QQ account they questions they have recently added about dependants, rent, food etc are not filled in as they were not on my original application in 2008. I found an NHS letter that shows I had to have counselling in 2011 after my suicide attempt. Do you think I had enough or should I have my dad write a letter stating what I paid him and why? Would that help as I paid him over £750 each month. Thanks for all your comments.
  18. I have just finished request statements from each of the companies. I will request statements from my banks tomorrow. Once I have account histories on each then I can look at when the loans were taken out and which were running together. My father is going to be writing a statement for me to say what I borrowed from him and what my repayments were and when. In regards to Poundstillpayday I have contacted the Malta Fianancial Ombudsman and they have agreed to take on my complaint. I also contacted MMF regarding the payday loan debt collections and so far they have offered to write off all the balances on the portfolios they have. In regards to Cash Genie. I found a bank statement that I had sent to another PDL in 2010 and it shows that I had 2 loans and I was late paying them off by A month at a time and they took 1st £600 and the 2nd £594 both were for loans of £150. I am checking my email to see if I have anymore. Payday overdraft have not been liquidated they are in fact still active but the Director will not give anymore information about the future. I took that to the Ombudsman and they have offered me £300 and to have the CCJ marked as settled. You mentioned that this isn't about debt advoidance. Please be assure I am not trying to get out of paying. I have offered to pay the original loan balances out of any redress, I am unsure as to why that would be brought up as I'm sure you know the problems and the Debt that can result from these and I am sure your claims weren't about debt avoidance?! I should've been more prepared but I am getting to grips now with it all. I do understand about the proof side of things. I went through everything when I claimed back PPI on 8banks and I reclaimed my Advantage Fold account 2 years ago.
  19. I have just re checked my credit report and I was wrong it doesnt show the full history. I also found the during March 2010 and Oct 2010 I was unemployed but I don't think I had any loans during this time. But my Quick Quick Loans in 2009 - 2010 were definitely one after another and increasing each time. The main issue I have is not being able to prove payments to my father. I wasn't paying him rent, I have just been speaking to him and the payments I made to him were in fact from 2006 when he got me out of trouble. I had lots of credit card and loan debt from Gambling and it came by his records over £10,000 his loan repayments were £400 per month, He then took out a further loan in 2007 this was for £3500 and that was £200 per month, then in 2008 I had a top up of £2500 and that brought the total that I repaid to him £750 per month. I was out of work between March 2010 - Nov 2010. Luckily he has records or I wouldn't have a clue. I didn't realise I had borrowed so much. He kept topping up on credit cards and paid things off for my by credit cards. He could never have afforded those payments and when I was out of work for 7 months in 2010 and off sick again in 2012 he ended up in a lot of debt credit cards and loans that he is taking out an equity loan. I put it down as rent but it wasn't right. I always thought I had paid back the stuff from 2007 and 2008 and I only had the recent stuff outstanding but it hasn't been. I came out of work finally in March 2013 due to Illness and since 2005 I've had 15 operations so have been in and out of work various times from then. Hopefully this makes things clearer.
  20. Hi All, I did think I had a loan with Pounds to pocket but I think it was Poundstoday. I chucked all my paperwork away purely because I didn't have the strength to deal with them. I know about the SAR but with my limited income I can't afford to do that just yet. I was hoping that I wouldn't need them as I can't provide a statement from my father who I was paying rent to and who got my out of trouble with the first lot in 2008. I've sent a email to them all requesting my account details. I sent a request to over 22 email address all different companies, hoping that they could see how many loans I had by that alone lol. - Gambling Involved? Not really. I did gamble but not in 2011. - Issues with Other PDL Companies? Spiral Debt with more than one PDL Company? Yes in 2008 - 2009 I had Wonga, PDUK QQ WDA PD Express and Mr Lender PPoundstillpayday. In 2010-2011 I had over 19 companies though I believe there could be more as these are the only one I remember. My credit report shows 2011 and 3 loans during one time most months and that I was late on payment. - How much was your income on a monthly basis compared to the loan? (Were you ever unemployed) 200-2009 £1010 I had an Egg loan of £118, Travel = £250 (I had to take cabs due to an illness, I had an £800 Natwest Overdraft and I paid £650 to my dad in rent and Bills and £45 mobile bIll, My dad paid those off by getting a loan for me so in 2010 - 2011 I had the above expenses plus £150. In total I had around £50 out of my wages each month. Once I took one loan I then had to take another and another every month as it snowballed. I had a vet Bill I had to pay that's why I took out the first loan in 2008. In 2010 the main cause of it badly snowballing was the QQ mess up where they put it into an Old Account that was my Natwest which I owed £900. - Did you ever give incorrect info to acquire a loan? No I don't believe so. - Rollovers... How many? I'm not entirely sure. Will check the info that I've requested from each company. I'm sure I did maybe 2 months at a time. - Did you tell them when you hit financial arrears?Yes and I was told that I had to pay it in full then I could take out more. Cash Genie Loans in 2010. I borrowed £150 and I was about 2-3weeks late and they took £600 then I had to borrow more again and the next time I was just over a week late and they took £954. - Why did you stop paying? I ended up trying to commit suicide and become very Ill in Jan 2012 I had 3 operations and I was off Sick for 8months and only receiving £336 in SSP. None would help which is why I did what I did. Had I took my head out the sand I would've been ok and seen a way out. Hope that's ok. Anything else you need I'll answer tomorrow morning. Thanks for your help x
  21. Hi All, Thank you for your replies. I have sent off all my complaints and Quick Quid reject the 2008 claims because of the 6 years rule. I took it that they rejected my complaint so I sent it to the Financial Ombudsman, Peachy Loans rejected too, their argument was they only lent me £100 but I said that I had 19 other loans outstanding. I haven't got the cash to pay £10 per SAR for each bank as that is £40 and then £10 for each payday loan £190 I cant do it. Quick Quid's website held all my history so I had a list of each loan I had taken out between 2008 - 2011. When I started taking out loans again in 2011, I rang and asked them to change my bank details and debit card details, only my debit card details were changed so the loan went into my old NatWest account and that was overdrawn by £900. So I had to take another out just to cover that loan. Plus I had to pay that back, so another loan was taken to do that from there my situation snowballed. I have put all this down in my complaint to FOS. The loan I took was a pawn loan so I ended up losing a bracelet worth £300 for a £150 loan because of their mistake. Its funny because the debit card details were changed so they were able to take payment! Once I get other replies I will keep you updated. Do you think I have any chance even if I don't have bank statements? My Dad has said that he is willing to write a letter confirming that I was paying him for all my rent, loan and other stuff since 2008. My Egg loan is on my credit file, but my NatWest account Bill was £950 and I was paying that back in 2010 isn't because of a fee paying account refund they wipe it off my credit report in 2014. Thanks again guys x
  22. Hi, I have sent all my payday loan refunds claims off but I just have a few questions. I don't have any bank statements but I have my credit report. I attempted suicide because of my bad debt and I had over 19 payday loans in Sept 2011 so I chucked everything and buried my head in the sand. On my credit report it shows I had every month in 2010 - 2011 3 loans running at the same time every month. I have claims for all my loans in 2011. My quick quid loans I had 33 loans that's roughly over 7 per year. Do you think I have enough to claim back as most of my outgoings in them 3 years were to my parents as they are retired and relied on my rent. in 2009 my dad to a loan to pay all my lenders and so my outgoings increased by £150. Rent: £500 Dad Loan: £150 (After 2009) Mobile: £45 Travel: £250 Food: £200 In 2008 - 2010 I was earning £1010 and in 2010 - 2011 I was earning £1200 per month. For 4 months in 2010 I was on JSA so I only had £280 every 4 weeks. In 2008 - 2009 I had the following loans all at the same time Wonga Quick Quid Poundstillpayday Wageday Advance Payday UK Payday Express Moneybox 247 Mr lender Uncle Buck In 2010 - 2011 Wonga Quick Quid Payday UK Wage day Advance Payday Express Payday Overdraft Monkey Dosh Convers Money Tower Capital Moneybox 247 Mr Lender Poundstillpayday Cash Genie Peachy Loans TxT Loan The Loan Store UK Uncle Buck CFO Lending Poundstoday and I think PoundstoPocket Oakham As I said I don't have any bank statements only my Credit report that was bad anyway. MoneyBox247 have sent me a sheet that show the credit check they did came back with a score of 450! Thanks for any help in advance Happy Easter!!
  23. LOL I knew there had to be a problem thanks Ims21! Will try the other one x
  24. Hi Guys! Ok trying to work out PPI on a spreadsheet I found on here. When I enter the premium paid @ 18.9%apr I'm getting the following £6.65 paid on 11/12/2001 - compound interest £48.99 and days elapsed is 4479 Is this correct? Thanks
  25. Sorry for not replying sooner. Citi can buy back the loan and I was sent the assignment agreement and it states that the can. But I will be getting a copy of my agreement and have been doing research in credit agreements that are un enforceable well I am 90% sure that the loan and the PPI amount were all in one amount and from what I can make out that makes the agreement unenforceable well have to see what the original agreement says
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