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  1. sent in all the info i have. have spoken to BDML Connect & after a strong discussion with a claims person & them telling me i didnt take out my policy till 2009 & i needed to prove otherwise by sending in written proof if i wanted them to answer any futher questions. after several requests i got put through to the renewals dept. he couldnt find the info either until i suggested he checked with his system as it may be under a different underwriter- i even had to tell him which as he couldnt find. I have asked them to provide me a copy of a phone conversation i had with there team prior to taking out my policy online. first they said they couldnt do, until i queried how long they need to hold there records. so now i have to write in with a date & time as otherwise it may be hard to find(wonder how long they will spin it out). i apparently have to post this info-no miss towers you cannot email & we have no fax(odd they do when they need info from me). When asked about "it was a lifelong policy i took out" he said lifelong for the term of the policy. no tripping them up sadly. but will see if they can find the conversation on tape as i rang purposly to ask.-worth a shot. nice man from agria phoned back & said he had spoke to bdml connect & someone tried to call you yesterday-phone the complaints dept, when i said you could not speak to them, he said that was not right in accordance with rules. but no-one had as they told me last note on screen when i rang.
  2. Was the reply from agria a written reply? would be interested to have a copy to read this out to the lady from the Halifax that blammed Agria, saying they would not take on these current policies. x
  3. will email now. Distressed is not the word, i cannot believe that they have the right to do this & basically cause so many deaths.My dog is a family member, a live creature- not some replaceable, worthless object. I also help out in animal rescue and the impact on the already under -rescourced rescues will be crippling. the goverment are on about changing laws to make dog owners more responsible & look what is happening to some of the responsible ones.
  4. ok phone call to agria & its nothing to do with them arggghh what is going on
  5. ok i have just been told by hailfax this morning that they informed agria they no longer wanted to do pet insurance. but asked agria to continue with all outstanding policies,they said no. now im in a real mess, my boy has a lifelong policy or did until valentines day-he is very ill & needs meds to keep him alive. some years i have used over my £6000 some years i have not used it- all depending on if my boy crashes & i need to get him to liverpool sath. i have enough funds to keep my boy alive 2/3 months depending, i have nothing to sell(sold car to get this money) i dont have holidays or go out. & no-one seems to be able/or want to help. the lady this morningfrom the halifax told me i was being emotive & it wasnt. maybe not to her but im the one with a loved/adored dog that i can no longer help as they have broken there contract. please PLEASE can someone just point me in the right direction-everyone is blaming everyone else & promising to phone back-no-one does,im at my witts end.
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