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  1. And so far it's been almost 4 months! And I have no idea if/when I will return.
  2. No, the difference in price was less than 50p! I bought the wrong ticket. He said it would be too much effort and costly on their part to keep my case open. I had my mail re-directed, I am not dull enough to just ignore it. I also gave both the rail company and TIL my new address! I am not at that address anymore and am also no longer on the electoral register. I was informed by the lawyer that if I had not heard from them within 6 months of the date of incident I could consider the case dropped.
  3. So far nothing has happened, and it's more than 6 months since the incident. I moved abroad for work, which may have had something to do with it. I consulted a lawyer (**EDIT OUT NAME ** in Cardiff who have a free drop-in clinic Tuesday's 6 - 8pm) who told me to tell Transport Investigations Ltd that I would be abroad, and tell the rail company too. He said any court would be daft not to adjourn, and to keep me on the books over 50p would be too costly. I told them about 10 days before I left, and I got a letter saying things would proceed. I sent another letter from my new country once I was here and had a confirmed address. I have heard nothing since. Keep communications open - try and get it dismissed up to the last minute. A dude working for Citizens Advice who had the same problem in London got let off with a fine outside of the trial 1 hour before his case was to go to court. He suggests get a lawyer (his former girlfriend was a trainee barrister). I hope you don't get a criminal record. You and I did the wrong thing, and yes we should be punished with a fine, but a criminal record is daft for this!
  4. Honestly, talk to a lawyer! I have been to citizens advice, the guy there said get a lawyer because he did a similar thing and his case was dropped 1hr before it was due to go to court. [NO ADVERTS] which does free 20min consultation between 4 and 7pm on a Tuesday - you just show up[NO ADVERTS PLEASE] It's recommended to say as little as possible to those prosecuting, try to write to both the prosecutors and rail company to offer an out of court settlement and an apology. Even if they refuse, this can be used in your defense in court because you tried to make amends. It's also recomended to show up on the court day and represent yourself. The prosecutors have 6 months to arrange for a summons and get it to you, otherwise they will be out of time and the case will be dropped. Even if you don't get representation, a free consultation will help you plan your course of action.
  5. It doesn't excuse me at all. I was just making a point that there's not always a guard selling tickets on the train.
  6. I assure you, trains frequently travel without ticket staff. Sometimes they have 2 members of staff per train, sometimes one and sometimes none. Sometimes ticket staff run out of tickets (the cards they print on) mid journey, sometimes ticket machines run out of battery or break down...although they may say that they always staff, there must be a reason why they place extra members of staff behind the barriers.
  7. Maybe in theory, but in practice this does not always happen. There is not always someone on board to collect fees, and smaller stations do not have barriers or ticket machines.
  8. OK, so firstly I am posting to tell my side. Like I said, I am very ashamed, scared, miserable about this, so please no one tell me how stupid I am - how I have felt during the past 3 months is more than enough of a punishment. Last Dec I traveled two stops to Cardiff Queen Street. At the barrier, I bought a ticket from one stop away, not 2. After I did this, a ticket inspector took me aside, took down my details and then told me I would get a letter and let me go. To clarify: the station I came from has no means to buy a ticket (no barriers, no personell), and the station I told them I came from had no means either. No one was aboard the train to sell me a ticket. During that period I had a number of work engagements (internship - I have no paid job), hospital appointments, job centre appointments all requiring me to travel to different stations on the line. Even though it costs the same amount whether you travel from my station to Queen Street, Coryton, Radyr, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff Central etc, there is no one ticket to cover them all. If there were, I would have bought a season ticket, and this would never have happened. Don't take the above as an excuse, I know it is my fault. I am just pointing out a missed marketing opportunity for Arriva Trains Wales. It's an external prosecution company called Transport Investigation Ltd who are prosecuting, so I suppose they are trying to get their money's worth. Citizens Advice said get a lawyer (the guy I spoke to at CA - the same thing happened to him in London and his case was chucked 1hr before it was due to commence). The lawyer I spoke to said this probably won't reach the court, come back when you have a summons. I would of course plead guilty, I have no choice. But the difference was so small that it doesn't warrant a criminal record surely.
  9. Oh OK. I tried offering that to both the prosecution company and the train company but so far to no avail. I didn't mention going abroad because I didn't know if I would be prosecuted before going, I still have a month to go and a letter could come any time. I was very stupid, it was a one off (believe me, it WONT happen again) and the amount in question was less than 50p.
  10. Is it likely that they'd be put off pursuing if I went abroad? I had every intention of paying whatever amount they asked for. The criminal record part worries me sick, even though it's the most minor of offenses.
  11. Thanks for all the advice. I want to clarify that I am NOT moving abroad to avoid a prosecution - it was in the pipeline before the incident happened. I will be pleading guilty, I have no choice. But I am stuck in limbo - the prospect of a criminal record has me worried sick. I have had bad dreams and been unable to focus properly on anything. I want to do everything properly and get the minimum sentence...I have very little money. Even the work abroad is work experience so it's expenses only. I have tried asking both the prosecution company and the rail company to settle out of court to no avail. I will continue to try even when the court letter comes through. If I had realized at the time that this would involve the court, I would have only given my name and address and not answered any questions. I naively thought I would be sent to the ticket desk after questioning to pay a fine. I have tried to find a lawyer, but with no summons I can do nothing. They are not interested. The one lawyer I spoke to said to come back when I have a summons, he wasn't even convinced that the case would even make it to the courtroom. I have spent so long building up a brilliant future and now see it all going to pot.
  12. Hi, I am most likely being prosecuted for fare evasion sometime within the next three months. I have no summons yet. In about a month I am moving abroad for an unknown period of time to undertake a work placement. How does this work with a potential charge? What do I have to do? I have found no job since graduating and I need this, so I can't not go, and currently there is nothing in place to prevent me from going.
  13. I have a similar story. Firstly, I am not proud of what I did - I know it was wrong and stupid. I accept being punished, but think a criminal record is taking it too far. I have recently finished higher education and have not yet begun on my carrer path. I am also far from well off. Last Dec I travelled from station A, which does not have a means to buy a ticket, to Cardiff Queen Street. Station A was 2 stops from Queen Street. There was no one present on the train. At Queen Street I bought a single ticket and told the ticket officer I boarded at Station B, one stop away. After I had paid for the ticket I was taken aside from someone from TIL and questioned. It was a one off incident which I regret. I did it because during that time period I had to travel between many stations and the costs were mounting. It's no excuse, but it is what led me to that moment of stupidity. Is this worth mentioning in a letter? I have co-operated with TIL and have also written to ATW. The consequences terrify me. The fine is scary enough, although I deserve it. But is it fair to ruin my job prospects over one unpaid train fare?
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